Chapter 2 - Silver Lining

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Promise looked around trying to focus on something to escape her thoughts

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Promise looked around trying to focus on something to escape her thoughts. The hospital room that had been her place of residence for the past three weeks, the beeping heart monitor, and uncomfortable bed all seemed to nag her. She was ready to leave but afraid to face the outside world.

Imagery of the event night riddled her mind. Fear sunk into her heart as she placed herself back into the moment it all occurred. Mayor Carter punching and degrading sickened her tremendously. Why me? Is all she could think and it devastated her to be overpowered so easily. Not only did she feel desolate, she also felt unprotected and betrayed.

Onyx was supposed to be her protector and she felt like he failed her. In her mind everything was his fault. She no longer held trust for him because he'd kept something so fragile away from her, it made her wonder what else was he hiding. Did he know I was going to be sharing space with Carter?

She couldn't figure it out but one thing she knew was she and him were done. It was for her peace of mind. Even looking at Onyx made Promise feel ill. The admiration she once held for him had died along with her optimistic view of the world.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Jones, how are you feeling?" Darla, a middle aged black woman asked. Dressed in floral scrubs with cocoa brown skin, a mini fro and a bright smile you could just feel how down to earth she was. She'd been Promise's nurse her entire stay and despite the abrasive energy she received, it didn't steer her away from being polite.

Promise only shrugged, she wasn't in the mood to be pleasant. The older woman had done nothing wrong, she was actually quite fond of her sweet and friendly nature. It was just her mind wasn't in a good place so she steered away from conversation.

"We're discharging you today, seeing as though your condition has improved tremendously. The swelling on your brain is practically none existent. Dr. Hartman did recommend that you take it easy and try to seek therapy-

"Excuse me, therapy for what? I'm fine." Promise was bewildered at the word therapy, even though mentally she knew she wasn't the same.

"Well since you woke up last week we've been observing you to be sure you're progressing due to the trauma that was implied on your brain. We saw that you would space out, rock yourself or cry while sleeping. PTSD seems to be evident but that isn't within our profession to diagnose. You'd have to see a Psychiatrist or therapist."

"PTSD my ass, I'm just fine. Thank you for your help but I'm grown and can manage my own emotions. I'll take my discharge papers so you can excuse yourself."

Darla smiled not faltered by Promise's rudeness. She was used to it. As she passed over the discharge papers she rubbed Promise's hands while giving a heart warming look. Hoping it ease the anger and anxiety she knew Promise had to be feeling. A situation like hers was nothing short of traumatic.


"I can't believe they killed my father." Cassidy said confused, pondering over the loss of Mayor Carter.

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