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Ameila pov

'Riverdale Academy.' My new school? Home? Not sure, my parents didn't want me. I'm not up to their standards, I really try tho. I really do! But I can't be like them. I don't want to be....a monster.

As I go in the building, I hold my bags and push my league.

As I'm in front of the office a woman smiles at me motherly.

"Hi." I said holding my teddy close to me.

"Hi sweet heart. You must be Ameila King?" She says ask as I nod.

"Ok, their so we have a bit of a problem." She says.

Oh, they don't want me with, uh. I thought to myself as I sign looking down.

"The problem is that you'll have to be in a boys dorm which is ok, their are three boys and another girl since their was no room in the girls dorm." She says as I nod signing.

Close one.

"It's ok." I say as she nods.

"Ok, ready?" She ask as I nod.

We then beging to walk.

Liam pov

"What I am trying to sa-" Mila complains but then the door opens cutting her off.

Ms, Josie. The head front office lady comes in smiling.

"Hi." We all say.

"Hi, we have a new student. Please make her feel warm with a good welcome." Josie says as we nod smiling.

Josie steps aside showing a girl. Once me and her eyes lock, my breath hitches.

She's..... beautiful, indeed. She has black hair, curly but not too curly, long as well. Her lips are red natural, dark long eyelashes. Black beautiful eyes. Has tan beautiful ski- I'm sounding like a freaking prevent.

But I'm saying is, she's beautiful.

She looks away looking down as she figets with her hands.

"This is Amilea King. She's new, please be careful she looks pure and naive." Josie warns as we nod.

"Ok, Ameila theses are your roommates." Josie says as Ameila nods.

Josie leaves.

"Hi, finally there is a girl! I'm Mila!" Mila say happily hoping up, she walks towards Ameila but she quickly backs away as Mila stops.

"O - oh sorry." Mila apologies.

"Anyways, that's Liam, Josh and Luca. How old are you, where all 17." Mila says as she points at us.

"16, just turned." Ameila says as I smile. Her voice even sounds like an angel.

"So your the youngest." Mila says smiling,she then sits down.

"Do you perfur to be bottom or top?" Mila ask.

"Bottom." Ameila answers.

"You can sleep on the bottom on the bunch, I sleep on the top." Mila says.

Ameila gets her stuff and comes in closing the door, she then sits down on her bed.

Ameila pov

I'm scared. They won't touch me, hopefully not. I pull my teddy bear closer to my chest.

If my teddy bear was a real human, she'd be dead.

"Oh, Ameila in August our parents get to come." Mila says as I nod.

Hopefully mine don't come. Two months and I hope they don't come.

"Well it's time for lunch!" Luca says happily. We get up and walk out. I keep a good distance, so they won't be able to touch me.

Once we arrive everyone is seated.

I go by an empty seat but don't sit. Mila notices and scoots her chair along with Liam.

I thank them as I sit down.

After getting surved the people sit down that surved us sit down with us.

"You must be Ameila King?" A lady ask as I nod.

"I think I've heard your last name before, it's rare." She says as my body tensed.

"Um yea." I said as she nods.

"If you mind, how come your here?" The woman ask as they all look at me, I smile wide.

"My parents didn't want me. We're different from each other. They wear black I wear pink, they're mean and rude I guess Im nice. And they didn't think I would be able to live up to their expectations." I say smiling as they have sad expressions.

After eating we go our dorms.

"Tomorrow, you have class. Oh and you get to join a sport." Liam says as I nod.

"Is their figure skating?!" I ask.

"Yea." Josh says as my eyes lit up.

I then get ready to go to bed.

After getting ready for bed, we all lay down. I sign closing my eyes. I have a little light on.

I'm not scared of the dark...I just don't like the monsters lurking in the dark.

First chapter!!! This was a book, but I accidentally deleted so I'm remaking it. I hope you guys enjoy.

Counted words: 783

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