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Ameila pov

"Hello Ameila." Sam, my figure skate coach says.

"Hi." I say.

"Um their is a compation coming up tomorrow. Since your parents are all still here they'll watch. Ah and you'll be having a partner, are you comfortable with that?" Sam ask as I nod smiling.

Ok, I'll see you today at two so you and the rest can practice. Ah and the outfit has to be black." He says as I nod, he then walks away.

I sigh going to my dorm.

Once I arrive I smile happily. "Hi Liam!" I say, he turns around to see me.

"Hi darling." He says as I blush, he chulckes.

"I heard theirs a compation." He says as I nod.

"Yea, Im going to have a partner!" I say as he smiles.

"I'm proud of you." He says as I smile widely even more.

"It's eight twenty five. I have to go to practice two. Do you wanna go with me to the town so I can get a new outfit?" I ask him.

He smiles and nod.

"I like your outfit." He says as I blush.

My outfit is white and blue theme

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My outfit is white and blue theme. I have a small light blue sweater. A white strap top and a white skirt with some blue bows. My socks go almost to me knee. My heels are blue and have bows. My hair is half up and down and the half up is secured with a light baby blue bow.

 My hair is half up and down and the half up is secured with a light baby blue bow

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"Thank you, I like your outfit too." I say looking at his outfit. He's wearing a white botton shirt. His pants are black.

"Thank you too and you're welcome darling." He says as I smile.

"Let's go?" He ask as I nod.

As we walk out the gates I sigh.

"You're a daughter. Not just any daughter. But the the daughter of a sychopath and murder." Liam says as I look at him.

"Now that's just something you hear when you read a book." He says as I giggle.

"You're a billionaire. A son of two billionaires." I say as he nods smiling at me.

About fivtheen minutes later we arrive.

"The outfit has to be black." I say as he nods.

We walk to the section where the outfits are all black. They have them in color coded.

"Mh, which one do you think is better?" I ask him, and for his opinion.

"I like this one. I have a feeling it'll suit your performance."  He says as I look at it.

It's black, their are white and gold on it. On the leg part one is longer then the other part. Gems are on the outfits carefully placed.

I like it.

"I trust you and your very own opinion

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"I trust you and your very own opinion. So I'll wear it tomorrow." I says as he nods smiling.

"Ok." He says laughs as I giggle.

/ / /

"Let's practice again." My partner, Aden says.

Aden is my partner.

I'm wearing a pink outfit for practice, tomorrow I'll be wearing the outfit.

"L - let me get some water first." I say out of breath.

I skate to my side to get water.

We've been practicing for three hours. It's going to be our twenty four time of rehearsing it. Aden says he wants it to be perfect considering his parents are here. To be honest I want it to be perfect too. Not because my parents are here, but because of  Lucifer. My brother. Since he's back it's been two years since he last saw me skate.

After all he's the one who taught me to skate and because of him, I've always wanted to skate from then on.

So all I can do is try my very best.

Sorry for late chapter, but here you guys go.

Counted words: 628

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