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Ameila pov

"Can I play with your hair?" Celeb ask, I nod. I turn my head a bit, I then feel his small hands touching my hair.

Where currently on the bus again going to our destination. I can't wait! I love Russia when it snows. 

About an hour later we arrive. We all get off the buss one by one. I look straight ahead to see other students the girls are wearing pink and revealing clothes. I look down at Celeb to see him looking at the girls with disgust.

"Hey bud?" I say, Celeb looks up at .e smiling.

"Hi." He says.

"Those girls are meanies!" He says as I nod signing.

"If their mean tell me." I say coldly looking at the girls and boys from the other school, I  then look down at Celeb with gently soft eyes.

Liam, Josh Luca and Mila walk towards us.

"Hi celeb." Liam says looking down at Celeb.

"Hi!" Celeb says happily.

"Damn it!" Mila says cursing under her breath I look at her to see her looking at something I look where's she looking at to see her looking at a group of girls and boys walking our way. The group are from the other school.

"Look who it is the Riverdale." A girl says with disgust.

"Jewels leave us alone!" Mila says almost shouting.

I look at the girl Jewels to see her looking at me.

"You must be new, I'm Jew...," She says but I cut her off.

"I don't care who you are. But I can tell you must be famous, and important around here." I say as she nods smirking

"Yes I am important around here." She says as I nod smiling.

"Oh my god. Your barbie, I mean you seem stupid, ah and your plastic. Every single thing is just all fake about you, just like Barbie!" I say laughing, I then hear people laughing behind me. Jewels looks at me with anger.

"You bitch!" She shouts, I smile.

"Thank you!" I say happily, she looks at m while I'm crazy.

"Ah B stands for beautiful. I stands for intelligent. T stands for talented. C stands for charming and h stands for happy. So thank you." I say smiling as she looks at me with disgust. I hear laughing behind me.

"You asswhole!" She shouts, I giggle.

"A stands for awesome. S stands fo..." I say but get cut off by Jewlews.

Man am I happy she cut me off I don't know what s stands for. Pew.

"Just be quiet." She says she then stomps away.

'i wasn't finish." I sign sadly as her friends walk away.

Oh well...

I turn around to see my principal and a few other students looking at me.

"Wow, that was so funny." Celeb says smiling.

My eyes lit up. "Let's go build a snowman!" I shouts happily, Celeb nods smiling. I grab his hand in mine and we run off.

/ / /

Liam pov

I smile looking at Ameila running as the small kids run after her.

Ameilas.... different. She's soft and naive but she knows how to stick up for herself. She's funny, she's so small compared to me. She's nice, I wonder why she's here I know because of abandonment. Why would her parents not want her? She's such a angel. Natural beautiful, she's kind. I haven't known her for long but...she's special.

"Someone got's a crush." Mila and Josh saying singing as they walk towards me alone with Luca. I look at them.

"Be quiet." I say talking at them. Mila hits Josh with her elbow softly. "He didn't deny if so he must do." Mila says wiggling her eyebrows as I roll my eyes.

I walk away.

For some reason instead of me going somewhere else I walk towards Ameila.

"Hi!" I say smiling, beside her is Celeb. He's looking at Ameila like he's in love? Which I couldn't blame the kid, I mean Ameila looks like an angel.

"Hi." Ameila says smiling.

"Your not cold?" I ask her because of the clothes she's wearing, she laughs saying no.

"I'm Russian, I guess it runs in our blood." She says sming as I nod.

"My hair used to be white but I changed it to Black." Ameila says as I nod.

"Hii." Celeb says looking at me then looks at Ameila.

"That was funny how you talked to Jewlews." I said laughing remembering what she said.

"Yea I guess." She says looking around.

"Oh no." Celeb says sighing looking down.

"What happened bud?" Amelia ask.

"Sam is coming he's rude to me too!" Celeb says sadly.

"Hello loser!" A kid says who I'm guessing is Sam.

Sam, the little boy looks around ten.

Ameila looks at the little boy with pity.

"You shouldn't be so mean. Do you know the rumors?" Ameila says whispering the last part to Sam.

"What rumors?" Sam says looking at Ameila with lust.

"Well people say that their is a in the woods. The creature likes kindness. Along time ago their was this group of kids in the woods bullying a little kid. People don't know what happened, but all we know is that thoses bullies never been seen again...well alive haha. But their heads where found." Ameila says as my eyes widen. Ameila then gets close to Sam.

"If I where I'd change that bratty little attitude." Amilea says looking at Sam. I gulp if looks could kill Sam would be underground.

"Ahhhhhh, IM SORRY CELEB!!!" Sam says then runs away.

"I wasn't done telling the story." Ameila says frowing.

"It's ok, you can tell us later at night around the campfire." Celeb says as Ameila nods.

Before I can speak Celeb gets Amelia's hand and walks away with her. I look at them as they walk away.

Celeb turns around and looks at me sticking out my tounge as my eyes widen.

That child!

Sorry for the longest update, but here you guys go. Ok so I don't to ake notes, but if some thing is missing plsss tell me.

Counted words: 1020

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