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Ameila pov

I look at the wall, shocked. That's all I feel.

Josh, Mila and Luca. Liam and his parents are in the room. In our dorm. Lucifer is sitting down.

How is he alive?

Lucifer gets up and walks towards me, he bends down on his knees. He grabs my hand in his.

"Princess?" He says as I look at him.

"I'm sorry, I really am." He says, he's apologizing for pretending to be dead.

"I -" He says but I cut him, I jump in his arms hugging me.

I miss his hugs, he's like a big teddy bear. That's the only reason why I hug him, big teddy bear.

But also because I miss him.

"Your only hugging me because I'm build like a big teddy bear uh?" He ask as I nod, I hear laughs.

"Let me see your cheek." He says I pull apart, he then gently takes my face in his hand.

"It's ok, it's just a scratch. It'll heal soon." He says, he gets a cream and opens the top. He then gets some on his finger and gently puts it on my wound.

I giggle at the coldness.

Once he's done he kisses my forehead.

"I'll be back." He says as I nod, I get Ms. Whiskers and bring her to my chest tightly.

Once he's gone I look at the rest. "Do I have to explain?" I questioned, they nod.

"Ok, but you can't freak out." I say as they nod.

"Ok, my mother is a crazy sychopath, my father is a murder, and my uncles are drug lords." I say looking down.

"Woah." Luca whispers.

"That's so cool!" Josh shouts.

No, no it's not cool.

"It's cool, but I don't like them." Luca says as the rest nod.

"Wait so theirs a murder in the building?" Mila ask as I nod.

"Well..." I say I then count with my finger.




And Lucifer, but he's ok.

"Four." I say as I show them my fingers.

"But Lucifer is ok, he only does bad people." I say as they nod.

"Baby?" Mila says as I look at her, she's looks worried.

"W - why did your mom hit you?" She ask, as I look at her and smile.

"She always does, Mika and father to. Just them tho." I say.

"What else do they do?" Liam ask.

"They hit me, sometimes Mika touches me. Mh let me see. Mika and I would play tho. He'd keep my in the basement and said if I can escape he'd give me more teddy's. I didnt like aying family tho." I say as their eyes darken, sadness shown.

"Oh my dear." Laura says as she walks towards me hugging me, I tense but then relax.

"They're all scared of Lucifer, I don't know why because he's a big teddy. But when they do he always comes in and saves me." I say, the door then opened reavling Lucifer.

"Hello darling." He says as I giggle, he walks towards me, his hands behind his back.

"I got you something." He says, he then shows me as I smile.

Ameila Where stories live. Discover now