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Ameila pov

I look at the sky, blue. The sky is so beautiful.

Where still out. It's currently 12:45, where walking around the park.

"Why don't we sit down and get to know each other more?" Josh suggests.

"Oh yea, let's buy snacks to!" Luca says as I giggle.

"Liam and Ameila go get snacks! Well stay here and wait." Luca says as I giggle.

Liam gets up. "Ok we'll be back." Liam says, I get up an we walk.

"What your favorite snacks?" Liam ask.

"Um...I like these sugar cookies." I say as he smiles.

"Me too." He says as I giggle.

"Your giggles are cute." He says smiling.

"I like your smile." I say.

"Mh, really?" He ask.


Once we arrive we go in. I walk closely to Liam but not to close.

"Grab whatever you want." Liam says as I nod.

I watch Liam open a the fridge and get some juices, I grab a water bottle.

"D - do you want me to h - hold the drinks?" I stutter.

Liam looks at me and nods.

"I'll put them on the counter and you can get them. I'll get the snacks." Liam says as I nod, he walks towards a counter close to us and puts them down, I begin to hold them.

I walk behind Liam as I hold the drinks.

He grabs snacks, like hot chips, chocolate. My eyes lighten up as I see lolipops.

"Can we get lolipops!?" I ask smiling.

"Sure thing princess." Liam says as he chulckes grabbing the bag of lolipops.

I then watch him get hello kitty bandaids,I look at him confused.

"Their for you princess. Your bleeding." He says as I look at my leg to see blood.

"Oh, so that's what was sting." I say to myself as he chuckls.

Then gets more snacks, once we're done we pay.

"You know I could've payed half of it." I say as we walk out.

"Yea but I wanted to pay." Liam says.

"Sit down." He says I as I sit down on a bench.

"C - can I touch your leg?" He ask as I gets a bandaid. I think for a bit.

He hasn't done anything wrong. I trust him. I trust him along with the other.' I thought.

"Mhm, I trust you." I say, he smiles and puts the bag down. He bends down and grabs my leg softly. He gets the band-aid and softly puts it on my wound.

Once he done he gets the wrapper and puts it in the bag.

"Ready?" He ask as he stands. I nod standing up.

We have two bags full of snacks and one bag of drinks. I grab one from the floor, that has drinks.

We then walk back.

Once we arrive we sit down next to the others in the grass.

"Snacks!" Luca and Josh shout as I giggle.

They spread out the snacks on the grass, I get my water and open it taking a small sip.

"Ok, now. What do you guys know how to do, like sing cook and stuff like that?" Mila says.

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