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Amelia's pov

I smile seeing Lucifer on my bed.

I put on an emotionless face as I get the big blue bucket and dump it all on Lucifer.

He joint's up looking at me wide eye.

"Good morning!" I shout smiling.

The door opened revealing Liam, Josh, Mila and Luca.

They look at us.

"Welp, can you clean this up? I gotta go for more rehearsal." I said looking at Lucifer.

I walk towards Liam and the other I smile at them then I run towards the rehearsal room.

Arriving at the rehearsal room i sigh sitting down on the benches.

A few minutes later the others come in. Then so does the couch.

"Morning everyone. It's nice seeing you. Now I want you all to rehearse your dance." Sam announces.

I walk towards Aden, he smiles at me.

"Are you ready?" He asked as I nod smiling.

We then begun.

A few hours later we finished, Sam walks to us all.

"Ok everyone! I saw you guys and that was amazing. Go take a shower, eat, take a break. At four thirty you come back here so you can get ready." He says as we nod.

/ / /

I sigh opening the door to my dorm. I open the door to see Lucifer.

"Hi da - Lucifer." I said, he sighs smiling.

"Hello princess." He said smiling.

"I'm going to take a shower real quick." I said as he nodded. 

After about twenty minutes of washing, shampooing and conditioning, and shaving, I finally finished. Stepping out, I grab my towel wrapping it around me. Getting the hair dryer I plug it in and turn it on then start to dry my wet dripping hair.

Ten minutes later I finally finished. I then grab my brush, brushing out my hair.  Once i'm done, my body is completely dried by then I take off the towel and get into my outfit for the performance. I then put my hair in a bun.

Once i'm done I look at myself in the mirror.

My hair is in a perfect done bun. No makeup on, my outfit is beautiful with gems on it. They're a necklace and arm bracelets that look almost like snakes. My outfit on the left is black and on the right is just silver with gems covering it. 

 ( Her outfit ) 

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 ( Her outfit ) 

Hearing a knock on the bathroom door, I open it to see Liam.

His breath hitches. "Beautiful. " He whispered as I blush smiling.

"Hi." I said smiling.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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