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Ameila pov

"And the end." I say smiling as I look at the fire. I look around to see people's eyes widen with fear.

I just finished telling my story. Celeb is smiling wide with me as he looks around starting at the scared faces.

"I - it's just a story!" Ms. Barbie says scared.

I look at Celeb and we laugh and laugh together.

"I - it's just a story.' ok." Celeb mocks then laughs.

"It is!" A boy from the Griffendor school says.

"Look it up, you'll see for yourself." I say as Celeb nods.

"Well I'm going in woods!" I say getting up.

"Why?" Ms. Barbie says.

I turn to look at her to see everyone else looking at me.

I smile looking at her.

I turn around and walk straight to the woods.

Once I'm far from them I laugh out loud.

I can't believe anyone would believe a story like that!

Man they're faces where so funny.

The only reason why I went to the woods was to get more wood, well be almost out and need to make more fire.

I get a bag that was folded in my pocket and start to search for wood.

I pull out a lighter and flick it to see.

I turn around hearing footsteps.

No one in front of me.

The lighter goes out before I can flick it again.

"Boo!" I hear, I look to see Josh, Mila Luca and Liam.

"You didn't...jump?" Luca ask as they stare at me.

"Didn't scare me." I say with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh." Luca says sadly.

"What are you doin" Liam ask.

"Getting more wood for the fire. It'll go small sooner." I said as they nod.

"Well help you...and we don't know our way back." Mila says as I srunch my eyes brows.

"I don't no my way either. I kinda forgot. I thought since you guys where gonna come follow me I thought you'd know." I say.

Their eyes wide.

"You mean where lost?!" Josh shouts as I giggle.

"I'm joking, I've been here to many times I remember my way like how I remember two hundred and sixty - three of my stuffed animal names!" I say giggling.

"Um - is that story real?" Luca ask as I giggle.

"No silly! It's just a story." I said smiling.

"Oh. OHHH, THATS GOOD." Luca says dramatically as he holds his hand to his chest.

"Drama queen." I whisper as I continue to walk.

"I heard that!" Luca shouts, I turn around to look at him inoccently.

"I don't know what you mean." I said.

"Theirs cut up wood?" Mila says making it come out as a question.

"Their it is!" I said walking towards it.

"How is there chopped up wood already?" Liam ask.

"Me and Lucifer would come down here and we'd cut up woods for when we came back or for others." I said.

"Lucifer?" Luca ask.

"Ah, Lucifer is my brother - or was." I said whispering the last part to myself.

"Oh." Liam says.

I put on my gloves and get one. The rest start to put their gloves on as well and grab one or two.

Once we grab a wood or two we start to head back.

/ / /

I sigh as I get in my tent. Celeb and Mila come in the tent we then lay down and say our 'good nights.'

I then fall asleep with my pink teddy rabbit close to my chest.

Sorry for the long wait I've been trying to hurry and stuff. But thank you guys for reading and being patient.

Counted words: 604

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