Monday (cp.1)

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Monday dawned upon the vibrant streets of Paris, France, seemingly like any other day for the rest of the world. However, for Adrien Agreste, it held a weight that no one else could comprehend. School, once a haven from the troubles of home, now felt like a mere extension of his somber reality. The impending graduation and the rapid passage of time weighed heavily on his young shoulders, evoking a sense of guilt for growing up too fast. Adrien couldn't help but reflect on how much he had matured, how many experiences he had gone through, all while his father remained absent, oblivious to the changes taking place within his son. Instead, Adrien found solace in the presence of Nathalie, his father's personal assistant, and Gorilla, his loyal bodyguard who had become more than just a protector. Unlike Nathalie, whose care seemed superficial, Gorilla's genuine concern touched Adrien's heart, knowing that he was there for him beyond the obligations of his job. As the dreaded Monday rolled around, Adrien found himself reluctantly dragging himself out of bed, going through the motions of daily life. The loss of his mother had left an indelible mark on his soul, and the passage of time had transformed not only him but also his friends. Amidst these changes, his feline companion, whom he had rescued from the streets, and his closest confidant, Luka Couffaine, remained constants in his life.

Most people were surprised by the unexpected closeness between Luka and Adrien. Nino had always been close to Adrien, but when Alya entered the picture, he felt like a third wheel. Love was a new concept for Nino, and it dominated their conversations. Despite this, Adrien never held it against Nino, but their paths started to diverge. Adrien's father's disapproval strained their friendship even further, and Adrien had already endured enough of his father's relentless criticism. Meanwhile, Luka and Marinette started to date, and Luka became an integral part of their band when they needed a new member. Before that, Luka was merely a background figure in his life. However, everything changed when Luka stumbled upon Adrien, huddled in the corner of the locker room, consumed by darkness. In that moment, he felt the weight of Adrien's pain, as if he were a him, himself. Simultaneously, Luka discovered the truth about his father, Jagged Stone. His mother believed that now that he and Juleka were mature enough, they should know their father's identity. Juleka accepted it with indifference, as their father had never contributed much to their lives. However, for Luka, who had admired his father, it dealt a painful blow. Alone in his room, he succumbed to uncontrollable sobs that lasted for hours. Days later, Marinette's decision to end their relationship only exacerbated his anguish.

That day, something devastating happened to Adrien. He received the heartbreaking news that his mom had passed away. It was a sudden realization for him, as she had been in a coma before, giving him hope for her recovery. But that morning, he discovered that she had succumbed to her illness while he was at school. Knowing that his father wouldn't care enough to let him go home and grieve, Adrien asked to go to the bathroom. Little did he know, Luka would soon join him in the locker room, their shared sorrow connecting them like two missing puzzle pieces. Adrien was already there, finding a moment of peace amidst the overwhelming silence. Then, Luka entered, finding Adrien huddled in a corner, his legs pulled close to his stomach, his eyes swollen and red from crying. Luka approached him, asking what was wrong and why he was there. Adrien poured out his heart, explaining the painful loss he had just experienced. Miss Bustier had granted him as much time as he needed to gather his thoughts. In turn, Luka opened up about his own struggles, sharing about his father and the recent breakup with Marinette, unsure if anyone else knew yet. Without hesitation, they found themselves in each other's arms, tears streaming down their faces. In that moment, they realized they weren't alone. They found comfort in one another, knowing that they could lean on each other during their darkest times. Saying that they were inseparable after that would be an understatement. They were together all the time. If they weren't together they were calling each other, checking how the others doing. Everyone else wasn't as close to Adrien anymore, except Marinette. He wouldn't say he was close with her, she was so awkward with him he thought she didn't like him. He thought she was just friends with him because she felt bad for him. That's why he stuck with Luka, he was honest with him. He told him when something was off, or if the outfit clashed with his eyes, or that the orange converses were an eyesore. Unlike everyone else, he wasn't scared to say something around him just because he was famous. It wasn't just that, Adrien didn't know why but he felt something with him. He didn't know what the feeling was. It wasn't admiration or discomfort. It was almost endearment toward him, but he's just a friend. Besides, what did Adrien Émile Gabriel Donatien Athanase Agreste know about love anyway?

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