Tuesday (cp.2)

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(Link if video not working btw https://youtu.be/y3zpsSqXh7U?si=7COudtPRHwjxnnpb)

"I don't know what I'd do without you"

They're so gay and they don't even know it😭

Adrien despised Tuesdays almost as much as Mondays. They were just a reminder of all the problems that had accumulated on Monday, like an ambulance rushing in after a chaotic purge. But this particular Tuesday was even worse for him. It was his birthday, a day when his father always seemed to forget about him. Adrien couldn't help but wonder why he couldn't have a normal life, one where he didn't have to be a model and where he had loving and present parents. He couldn't help but compare his life to Marinette's. She had such supportive and caring parents who stood by her no matter what. She knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life and had a strong sense of purpose. Marinette was surrounded by friends and had a genuine kindness and generosity that he admired. Adrien wished he could be more like her, but he felt distant from people now, and it seemed like they had distanced themselves from him as well. Marinette was already making strides in her career, working with stars and famous people. She seemed to have her life together while Adrien felt lost and unsure of his own path. He yearned to make his father proud, but no matter what he did, it never seemed good enough. He questioned who would ever be proud of someone like him, someone who felt like a mess and was barely holding on. Adrien felt like he was hanging on by a fragile thread, one that felt insignificant and meaningless.

Adrien woke up to the sound of Plagg, but this time it was at a decent hour. He let out a tired yawn and got out of bed. Plagg hopped off, allowing Adrien to make his bed before jumping back on. Adrien gently kissed Plagg's head and headed to his closet. In his tired state, Adrien reached for one of the new shirts that Marinette had made for him. It was a cute dark purple cropped top with short sleeves, featuring adorable fairies, plants, butterflies, mushrooms, and cute animals embroidered on the fabric. He also grabbed a black long-sleeved shirt to layer underneath. Adrien slipped into the shirts and then grabbed a pair of high-waisted oversized black jeans, securing them with a belt and tucking in his undershirt.He quickly put on his socks and shoes, grabbed his bag, and threw it over his shoulder. Adrien grabbed his headphones and phone, both fully charged. Although he still had a slight limp, it wasn't as bad as before. He put his headphones on, cranked up the volume of his music, and started receiving some happy birthday messages. However, he didn't feel like reading them just yet. Sitting on his bed with Plagg in his lap, Adrien adorned himself with his favorite jewelry before heading downstairs for breakfast.

After another morning of leaving his breakfast untouched, Nathalie presented Adrien with a gift that she claimed was from his father. Deep down, Adrien knew it was just another random item that Nathalie had chosen for him, as she had done for years. These gifts were always well-intentioned, but never truly personalized. Regardless, Adrien mustered a smile as he unwrapped the present to find a watch nestled inside. It was an improvement from last year's gift, and he appreciated the gesture. "Thanks, Nathalie," he said, stretching his arms before handing the watch back to her, asking her to place it in his room. As Adrien made his way towards the waiting car, Gorilla, he greeted him with a gift of his own. Adrien's eyes lit up with excitement as he eagerly tore open the wrapping. To his delight, he discovered a collection of new novels, a perfect addition to his ever-growing reading list. Grinning from ear to ear, he expressed his gratitude to Gorilla and embraced him tightly. Gorilla returned the hug, his smile revealing a hint of the affection he held for Adrien. In moments like these, Adrien couldn't help but see Gorilla as a surrogate father figure, filling the void left by his absent father. Even though Gorilla rarely spoke, his actions spoke volumes, conveying his genuine care and concern for Adrien's well-being. As Adrien settled into the car, his heart raced with anticipation. Thoughts of seeing Luka, consumed his mind. He hoped that his father would allow him to spend time with Luka after the upcoming photo shoot, especially since it was Adrien's birthday. He didn't feel the need to explicitly mention Luka's name; his father should understand his desire to celebrate with his friend. With a contented smile on his face, Adrien closed his eyes, letting the music in the car transport him to a world of peace, feeling a bubbling anticipation in his heart.

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