Wednesday (cp.3)

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Wednesdays held a peculiar weight for Adrien, caught between the relief of nearing the end of the school week and the lingering sadness that it wasn't quite over. It was on Wednesdays that he felt the heaviness in his heart the most, as they served as a somber reminder of his mother's tragic passing. Even at 18, the pain still lingered, deeply etched within his soul. That fateful Wednesday, the phone call arrived, delivering the devastating news of his mother's accident. She had been in a coma since the Monday before, but it was on that Wednesday that she took her last breath. It was also on that very day that Adrien and Luka forged a deeper bond, becoming steadfast friends. However, it was also the day that Adrien's self-loathing began, the catalyst for his internal struggles. He pleaded with his father for therapy, but his requests were met with denial, leaving him wounded and unable to discuss his pain. Every attempt to broach the subject with his father was met with dismissal, leaving Adrien in the dark about the circumstances surrounding his mother's death. It was Nathalie, not his father, who made that heart-wrenching call. Adrien yearned for his father's embrace, a reassurance that everything would be alright, but it never came. From that day forward, he withdrew into himself, gradually isolating himself from others until he found himself utterly alone. Wednesdays served as a stark reminder of life's indifference, its cruel and unforgiving nature.

Adrien woke up early again, feeling the weight of exhaustion after a restless night of only getting around 3 hours of sleep. Running on pure adrenaline, he didn't have the energy to put together an extravagant outfit. Instead, he slipped into a cozy green and pink hoodie that held sentimental value. It was one of Luka's old hoodies, adorned with the words "mon chéri" on the front and a few skulls on the sleeves. Though it was oversized on Adrien, he found comfort in wearing something that reminded him of Luka. Pairing the hoodie with a pair of black oversized pants and random shoes, Adrien grabbed his bag and reached inside to retrieve his trusty lip gloss and headphones, Applying the lip gloss to his chapped lips. Adrien's hair, a constant source of frustration, had been through years of straightening, leaving it practically fried. He longed for straighter hair like his father's, but even with his diligent washing routine, oils, and conditioner, it never seemed to achieve the desired perfection. Letting out a sigh of resignation, Adrien stood up and sat on his bed beside Plagg. As he glanced around his room, his eyes fell upon the bisexual flag that Luka had gifted him.

Adrien woke up feeling a lack of appetite, so he decided to skip breakfast and grabbed a Monster energy drink from his stash. He had a few that Luka had bought for him, saving them for days like this when he needed an extra boost. Arriving at school earlier than Luka, Adrien noticed Alya and Marinette. Knowing that Marinette needed a break from him, he didn't want to bother them. Instead, he spotted Nino across from them and decided to approach him. With a smile, Adrien greeted Nino, saying, "Hey Nino!" However, Nino hesitantly looked up and walked away, leaving Adrien feeling confused and shaky. It seemed like even Nino didn't want to be around him. Adrien's thoughts drifted to the fear of being alone, with only his thoughts as company. Suddenly, he heard his name being called, and when he turned around, he saw Luka approaching him with open arms. Adrien was immediately pulled into a tight hug, returning it just as tightly. Luka apologized repeatedly for not being there for him, but Adrien reassured him, saying, "There's no need to apologize, sunshine. You were there for me." Adrien felt a sense of comfort as he pulled Luka closer, and Luka nodded in response before letting go. Their smiles exchanged soft and genuine. Luka's gaze shifted down to the hoodie Adrien was wearing, realizing it was the one he had given him. A blush crept up Luka's face as he whispered, "My hoodie." He couldn't look away, captivated by how well it suited Adrien. Just then, Juleka approached them, placing her hand on Luka's shoulder, and noticed what had caught his attention. She smiled knowingly and softly informed them that she and Rose had a date that evening, apologizing for forgetting to mention it earlier. Luka snapped out of his trance, kissed Juleka's cheek, and cautioned her to be careful. As Juleka walked away, presumably to meet Rose, Luka cleared his throat and chuckled. The bell rang, signaling the end of their moment, and they went their separate ways.

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