Friday (cp.5)

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Adrien's heart always leapt with joy as Friday approached, becoming his second favorite day of the week. The anxiety of the school week drawing to a close filled him with excitement. It was a day when he could finally breathe and let loose, unburdened by any extracurricular commitments. No longer bound by the constraints of classes and obligations. Fridays became a sanctuary, a time for him to unwind and indulge in his own personal pursuits. With no other extracurriculars demanding his attention, he could fully embrace the blissful solitude. Whether it was curling up with a good book, losing himself in a creative project, talking to Luka, or simply enjoying the company of his own thoughts, Fridays became his sanctuary, a haven where he could truly be himself. Adrien felt a sense of liberation and contentment, knowing that the weekend stretched out before him, brimming with endless possibilities. Fridays became a treasured respite, a day he cherished for its ability to grant him the freedom to recharge, rejuvenate, and embrace the essence of who he truly was.

Adrien woke up to find Luka missing from his side, and panic surged through him as he realized he was already late for school. But then, Luka's groggy voice broke the silence, saying, "We're skipping school today." Adrien looked up to see a tired Luka holding a plate of delicious food. Luka reassured him, "Don't worry about missing school. You deserve a break." Luka handed him the plate, and Adrien nodded gratefully, taking another bite of the tasty bacon. "I'm really scared, Lu," Adrien admitted, his voice trembling lightly. Luka wrapped his arm around Adrien and reached into his pocket with his other hand. Standing up, he moved the food away from Plagg's reach and knelt down, gently holding Adrien's hands. "Look at me," Luka directed, and Adrien complied, locking eyes with Luka's piercing blue gaze. "I swear on my life, no matter what, you will be okay," Luka said, a soft smile forming on his lips as he gazed at Adrien. Adrien rested his head against Luka's, squeezing his hands tightly. "I... I need a new word to say how much I love you, dude," Adrien chuckled, planting a tender kiss on the side of Luka's lips. Luka kissed Adrien's forehead and enveloped him in a warm embrace. Adrien cherished Luka's hugs; they filled him with a comforting warmth that reached deep within his soul. "You make me so damn happy," Luka smiled, his happiness radiating from him.

"Nathalie, have you located him?" Gabriel's voice boomed through the room, his frustration palpable. Nathalie's heart raced as she scrambled to find any trace of Adrien. She opened her mouth to respond, but the intensity of Gabriel's glare silenced her. "You better find him, or else," Gabriel's words cut through the air like a sharp blade, his anger simmering beneath the surface. Nathalie's eyes widened, her mind racing as she combed through the surveillance footage. And then, like a stroke of luck, she spotted it-a fleeting glimpse of a familiar motorcycle in the background of a video. It was the same one Luka used to pick up Adrien. A surge of adrenaline coursed through Nathalie's veins as she rose from her chair, a triumphant smile stretching across her face. The puzzle pieces were finally falling into place. "I found him!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with a mix of relief and hope. With this breakthrough, they were one step closer to bringing Adrien back home. The excitement in Nathalie's voice was contagious, filling the room with renewed hope.

Adrien's heart raced as he watched the news unfold on Luka's laptop. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks-his face, his name, and Luka's motorcycle were all plastered across the screen. Panic surged through his veins, knowing that Luka could face serious consequences because of him."Fuck, fuck!" Adrien exclaimed, his hands trembling as he pressed them against his face, desperately trying to calm himself down. Luka, sensing Adrien's distress, placed the laptop beside Plagg and handed him a pair of headphones. As Adrien stood up, Luka pulled him into a tight embrace, his head nestled against Luka's neck. Adrien's sobs escaped from deep within him as he choked out his fears. "This is all my fault. You could get into so much trouble, and it'll be all my fault." Luka remained silent, understanding that Adrien needed his comforting presence more than words. Through his tears, Adrien continued, his voice filled with desperation. "I love you so fucking much, Luka. I can't lose you. I can't go back." His arms shook as he wrapped them tightly around Luka's neck, seeking solace in their embrace. Luka responded with tender kisses, trailing from Adrien's cheek to his shoulder, holding him tightly in his arms. "It's going to be okay, Adrien," Luka's soothing voice enveloped the room. "I want you to know that I'll be fine, and you don't have to worry about me. I promise you that." Luka couldn't bear to witness the tears streaming down Adrien's face. The sight of his beloved in such profound sadness tore at Luka's heart, igniting a fierce protectiveness within him. He despised seeing Adrien in pain, and every fiber of his being yearned for it to cease. He yearned for the day when they could finally graduate, leaving behind the constant pain and uncertainty that plagued their lives. Luka's deepest wish was for Gabriel to quit, to relinquish his hold on their happiness and simply leave them alone. But above all, Luka's greatest aspiration was to see Adrien truly happy. He yearned for Adrien to find happiness within himself, and most importantly, Luka wanted Adrien to be happy with him, to experience the joy and love they shared together. Luka held Adrien close, he silently vowed to do whatever it took to bring happiness into their lives, to create a future filled with love, laughter, and the freedom to be themselves.

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