Thursday (cp.4)

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Thursdays were always a dreaded day for Adrien. The weekend was so close, yet there was still so much to endure. Adrien longed for Fridays on Thursdays, as school seemed to drain the life out of him. His busy schedule felt suffocating, leaving him with little time for himself. The weight of his overwhelming commitments only exacerbated his already fragile mental health. Comparing his current schedule to his earlier years, Adrien couldn't help but yearn for the simpler times. Back when he was thirteen, he had something to look forward to every day. But now, by the time he finished with all his responsibilities, he was left feeling exhausted and depleted. There were hardly any breaks, with days filled from school to extracurricular activities, leaving him with no time to breathe. Luka was Adrien's saving grace. Without him, Adrien doubted he could survive the relentless demands of his life. Whether it was piano lessons or basketball practice, Adrien despised every moment of those activities. All he wanted was to be with Luka, he even wished for an end to his suffering, a release from the pain he felt deep within. Adrien's heart ached as he found himself consumed by a dark cloud of despair. The weight of his struggles felt unbearable, leaving him questioning the purpose of his existence. He couldn't help but wonder if anyone would truly care or miss him if he were gone. Every day, Adrien was tormented by the relentless voices in his head, their incessant whispers amplifying his self-doubt and self-hatred. He despised the life he was living, resenting the constant need to beg for love The overwhelming feeling of being walked over, coupled with his own perceived inadequacies, left him feeling like a shadow of his true self. Adrien's anger and resentment were particularly directed towards his father. The absence of his support and the echoes of his mistreatment mirrored the pain Adrien felt deep within. He couldn't help but harbor resentment towards his mother as well, wishing she had found the strength to leave his father and protect them both from what they endured. Adrien despised his own reflection, feeling trapped in a body he couldn't accept. The world seemed like a cruel and unforgiving place, amplifying his sense of isolation and despair.

Luka awoke to find himself in a cozy embrace with Adrien. Adrien's head and arm rested on Luka's chest, while his leg was wrapped around Luka like a koala. Luka couldn't help but chuckle at the size difference between them, easily able to hold Adrien with just one arm. Luka's own hand was wrapped around Adrien's waist, and his legs were curled up, not wanting to disturb this precious moment or wake Adrien from his slumber. Luka glanced at the clock and realized he had woken up early so they could savor this closeness a little longer. With a tender smile, Luka gently ran his hand through Adrien's soft hair, admiring his sleeping form. Even in his slumber, Adrien was absolutely adorable. Meanwhile, Juleka remained fast asleep on her bed, snoring loudly, her limbs dangling off the edge as if she were about to fall. This position was a common occurrence, but Luka never worried because Juleka always managed to stay put. His focus remained on Adrien-the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest, his long and full eyelashes, his hair that fell perfectly on his face, slightly longer now but still reminiscent of his style at thirteen, and the freckles that adorned his cheekbones and nose. Luka even noticed a few freckles scattered in other places. Luka's gaze fixated on Adrien's lips, overwhelmed by the realization that he was the first person to ever kiss them. It felt almost unreal, considering how angelic Adrien was. Luka couldn't help but wonder why Adrien had chosen him. As Juleka stretched and got up, careful not to disturb the others, she noticed Luka's attention solely on Adrien. She chuckled, relieved that they had started dating, as she had grown tired of Luka's constant fangirling over Adrien. Luka's head popped up, a smile gracing his lips, as he whispered a soft "Good morning, Jules." Juleka whispered back a gentle "Morning, Lu," before grabbing her clothes and leaving to get ready for school. Returning his focus to Adrien, who still peacefully slept in his arms, Luka couldn't resist planting a tender kiss on Adrien's cheek, his heart overflowing with love. Every aspect of Adrien captivated Luka- his eyes, his sense of style, his infectious laughter. Luka adored the way Adrien's glasses perfectly framed his face and how his hair curled naturally. The cute screams, the occasional voice cracks when Adrien was awkward or told a lied, the light blush on his cheeks-Luka cherished it all. Luka could fill countless diaries with words about Adrien's perfection and write an endless stream of songs dedicated to him. Adrien meant everything to Luka, and he would do anything for him.

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