Saturday (cp.6)

60 4 11

Sorry this chapter is shorter than usual


Adrien's heart sank as he reflected on how Saturdays had transformed from a day of joy and celebration to something he wished never came. It used to be a cherished respite from the demands of the school week, a precious opportunity to connect with Luka and revel in their shared happiness. But now, the mere thought of Saturdays sent a pang of sadness through Adrien's being. The vibrant conversations and shared laughter that had once defined their Saturdays now felt like distant echoes in his memory. Adrien longed for the carefree moments they used to share, where he and Luka could effortlessly open up to each other. Now, they were separated, and Adrien was left with a profound sense of loss and uncertainty. He couldn't help but wonder where Luka could be, his heart aching at the thought of what might have happened. Adrien couldn't shake the feeling that if only he had listened to Luka's advice, perhaps they could have avoided the events of this fateful Saturday. The weight of regret settled heavily upon Adrien's shoulders, as he yearned for a chance to turn back time and mend the fracture that had formed between them. In this moment, with his father's stern gaze upon him, Adrien wished more than anything to be with Luka again, to feel his comforting embrace and be reminded of their love. Deep in his heart, Adrien held onto the belief that Luka would find a way to help him through this difficult situation.

Adrien's heart pounded in his chest,fear coursing through his veins. The words escaped his lips in a desperate plea, "How am I even here?! Where is Luka?" He strained against the unforgiving metal cuffs that held him captive, his muscles aching with the effort to break free. His eyes darted around the room, searching for any sign of his boyfriend, Luka. But all he found was Gabriel, his father, wearing an unnaturally happy expression. Adrien couldn't help but avert his gaze, his eyes landing on his phone, just out of reach. It was a cruel reminder of the world beyond these walls, a world where he could be free. Gabriel's voice cut through the silence, filled with anger and betrayal. "After all I've done for you, you tried to leave me," he spat, his words laced with venom. Adrien closed his eyes, hoping against hope that this nightmare would soon be over. But Gabriel wasn't finished. His voice took on a mocking tone as he probed, "He's your boyfriend, isn't he? Luka? Is that why you ran away?" Adrien's jaw clenched, his resolve hardening. Gabriel's hands remained hidden behind his back, a sinister secret concealed within his grasp. Adrien's eyes narrowed, his instincts telling him that danger lurked just out of sight. Adrien winced as Gabriel's clenched fist made contact with his cheek, leaving behind a stinging sensation that lingered in the air. Determination surged through Adrien's veins, empowering him to push against the chains that held him captive. With a defiant gaze, he turned his face away, refusing to let Gabriel's actions break his spirit. Through gritted teeth, Adrien mustered the strength to defend Luka's character, insisting, "Luka isn't like that." But Gabriel's anger knew no bounds as his hand swiftly met Adrien's face, delivering a harsh slap that left a fiery mark, both physically and emotionally. The pain pulsed in Adrien's wrists, a constant reminder of his confinement, while the sting on his cheek fueled his determination. "Fuck you!" Adrien scoffed, his words laced with defiance and frustration. In that moment, a realization struck Adrien like a bolt of lightning. These chains were unlike any other. No ordinary lock and key, but a concealed button that held the key to his liberation. Adrien understood that he couldn't seize the opportunity right then and there, but the knowledge ignited a glimmer of hope, like a spark in the darkness, for a future escape. Gabriel, taken aback by Adrien's defiance, demanded, "Who taught you such words?" His hands finally revealed what he had been concealing, unraveling a secret that held.

Luka's heart pounded in his chest, a tempest of emotions swirling within him. With a gut-wrenching scream, he pushed Anarka away, desperately trying to distance himself from the overwhelming pain. Luka cried out, his voice cracking with anguish. Anarka reached out, her voice filled with compassion, attempting to comfort her devastated son. But Luka's grief was a tumultuous storm, unyielding to her soothing words. His wails grew louder, echoing through the room, as he clutched Plagg tightly, seeking condolence in the small creature's presence. "I couldnt protect him, its all my fault!" Luka's voice trembled with self-blame, his words a torrent of despair that pierced the hearts of everyone present. Juleka, watching her brother's agony unfold, felt her own heart ache, yearning to alleviate his pain. "Luka, it's not your fault," Juleka's voice quivered with tenderness as she attempted to console him, to remind him that he was not alone in this struggle. But her words only seemed to stoke the flames of Luka's anger, intensifying the storm raging within him. "It is! I'm so fucking stupid! It's all my fault!" Luka's voice cracked, his words choked with sorrow. He felt a sickening wave of nausea wash over him, the significance of his perceived failure threatening to eat him alive. Promises made, promises broken. He had failed to protect Adrien, failed to stay by his side as he had vowed. A sense of helplessness settled upon Luka's shoulders, suffocating him. The knowledge that no one would believe him over Gabriel, the one who held so much power, intensified his feelings of inadequacy. He felt painfully useless, unable to make a difference in Adrien's life. But then, amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. Juleka's voice rose above the chaos, filled with determination and love. "Luka! Why are you giving up now? This isn't the brother I know, the brother I know would find a way. Pull yourself together!" Her words struck a chord within Luka, a flicker of resilience igniting within him. Luka's heart pounded in his chest as he swallowed hard, his tear-streaked face turning towards his sister. His eyes shimmered with a mix of sadness and resolve as he posed the question, "But what should I do?" Juleka paused for a moment, her mind racing with possible solutions. After a brief moment of contemplation, she offered her advice, "Why don't you start by talking to Marinette? They went to her right after you, so maybe she knows something." Luka's determination grew stronger as he absorbed Juleka's suggestion. With a renewed sense of purpose, he nodded, ready to take action and seek answers from Marinette.

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