Sunday (The last chapter)

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Sundays were a source of immense dread for Luka, a feeling that seemed to seep into every fiber of his being. It was as if the weight of the world had settled upon his shoulders, pressing down relentlessly. The truth was, Luka despised every single day that followed the moment he received the devastating news about Adrien's coma. The only thing that had kept him grounded, that had given him a sense of purpose and hope, was now gone. And he had no idea how long this painful separation would last. As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, Luka found himself grappling with a whirlwind of emotions. The revelation of Gabriel and Nathalie's convictions for abuse, assault, and other unspeakable acts left him sickened to the core. It was a nauseating reminder of the darkness that lurked beneath the surface, the cruelty that could exist within even the most seemingly respectable individuals. Despite the heaviness that weighed upon his heart, Luka remained steadfast in his commitment to Adrien. Every single day, without fail, he would make his way to the hospital after school, determined to be by Adrien's side. Initially, it had been a struggle to convince the staff that he wasn't some deranged fan, but as time went on, they grew accustomed to his presence. And so, with unwavering dedication, Luka would sit by Adrien's side, pouring out his soul and sharing every minute detail of his day. Whether it was celebrating an A on a test, recounting a meaningful conversation with Nathaniel, or navigating the newfound attention and scrutiny that came with their relationship becoming public, Luka would hold nothing back. He believed, with all his heart, that somehow, someway, his words would reach Adrien and bring him back to the world of the living. But the truth remained: every day without Adrien was a living nightmare for Luka. And Sundays, once a day of joy and connection for him, now stood as painful reminders of the uncertain future that lay ahead. Each passing week served as a haunting echo of the possibility that Adrien might never wake up, that their dreams of a future together could be forever shattered.

"Luka," Juleka's voice filled with concern as she sat beside a tearful Luka, "you can't stay locked up in your room for the rest or the hospital of your life, dressed in black, listening to angry music and staying up all night." Luka's gaze remained fixed on his lap, where Plagg lay nestled. He gently ran his hand through Plagg's fur, finding comfort in the familiar touch. Luka's heart sank that morning when he realized that his motorcycle was still in the shop, and he had long since parted ways with his old bike. The realization hit him hard - he wouldn't be able to visit Adrien that day. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, the absence of visiting Adrien on any given day. "I miss him so much," Luka whispered, his voice filled with longing. "It hurts not being able to see him, to hear his laughter, and to feel his presence." Tears streamed down Luka's face as he continued, his voice trembling with emotion. "And now... there's a chance he might not make it," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. Juleka reached out, wiping away Luka's tears, offering him comfort and support. "Luka, Adrien is a fighter. We can't lose hope. We have to believe in him," Juleka whispered, her voice filled with conviction.Luka nodded, his eyes reflecting a hint of sadness. Juleka kissed Luka's cheek, a gesture of love and reassurance. "How about I take you to the hospital to visit Adrien? We'll make the long drive together," Juleka suggested, determined to do anything she could to support her brother. A glimmer of hope sparked in Luka's eyes as he looked at Juleka.Luka's heart swelled with gratitude, his eyes shining with appreciation as Juleka's words resonated deep within him. "You'd do that for me?" he asked, the weight of his gratitude was evident in his tone, as he struggled to find the right words to express his appreciation for Juleka's kindness. Juleka's smile grew wider, radiating warmth and genuine I love for her brother. "Of course I would, Raton," she replied, her voice brimming with sincerity. Luka couldn't help but roll his eyes playfully at Juleka's response, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Luka rushed into Adrien's hospital room, his heart pounding with a mix of worry and relief. Placing his bags on the floor, he glanced up at Juleka, who stood by the door. "Call me when you're coming home," Juleka said softly before leaving, her words filled with a sense of care. Turning his attention back to Adrien, Luka's eyes filled with tenderness as he leaned in to kiss his forehead. "I almost didn't get to see you today," Luka whispered, his voice filled with a mix of emotions. Taking Adrien's hand in his, he gently intertwined their fingers. Tears welled up in Luka's eyes as he looked at Adrien's motionless body. It felt as if he was talking to a ghost, unsure if Adrien could hear him in his coma. Luka's voice trembled as he spoke, his words filled with a mix of sadness and hope. "Your father is finally in jail, sentenced to life. He'll never bother us again," Luka shared, his voice tinged with relief. Suddenly, a realization struck Luka, and he rummaged through his bag, searching for something he had forgotten. His hands trembled as he retrieved a bracelet he had made. With a deep breath, Luka slipped the bracelet onto Adrien's wrist, his heart fluttering with anticipation."It's pretty," a voice said. "Yeah, it-" Luka's words trailed off as he looked up to see a smiling Adrien. Overwhelmed with happiness, Luka couldn't contain his excitement, wrapping Adrien in a tight hug. "Surprise, sweetheart," Adrien said, his eyes welling up with tears. Luka's heart swelled with love and relief at the sight of Adrien's smile. "Come up here, it's awkward hugging you like this," Adrien chuckled, his voice filled with warmth. Without hesitation, Luka jumped onto the hospital bed, embracing Adrien tightly. Luka's heart overflowed with emotions as tears streamed down his face as he nestled his head on Adrien's shoulder. The sheer happiness that radiated from Adrien's smile was like a beacon of light, illuminating Luka's world. "This was the surprise?" Luka's voice quivered with a mix of disbelief and awe, his eyes locking with Adrien's, searching for confirmation. Adrien pulled Luka even closer, their bodies intertwined, their souls entwined. Their foreheads gently touched, a tender gesture that spoke volumes of their deep connection. "I wanted it to be a surprise, so I told them not to tell you," Adrien admitted with a mischievous giggle, his fingers tenderly running through Luka's hair, soothing his troubled heart. "Did you think I would ever leave you alone? I couldn't let someone take you away from me." Luka cupped Adrien's cheeks in his hands, his touch expressing a profound longing and affection. And then, their lips met in a passionate kiss, sealing their bond. Adrien's hands wrapped around Luka's neck, pulling him closer, as if to assure him that he was here to stay. Luka had missed this, missed the feeling of being held by Adrien, of feeling safe and wanted. And as they shared that tender kiss, Luka knew deep in his heart that he had found his home in Adrien's arms.

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