Those Three Words {Niall Horan FanFic}

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[so, this was my first ever book I wrote, I wasn't really a carrot, I just wasn't that good at writing to start with. There's some chapters that I think aren't good, but as the book goes on I got better. I may be doing editing to this book, but please enjoy and make sure to vote and comment x]


Im Ashley Parkson, but people call me Ash or Parkey. I'm 18 years old and I live in Dublin, Ireland. I have straight light brown hair and green eyes, I have a younger sister named Lara- she's 17. Annoying little shit she can be, she's such a fangirl.

I also have an older brother named Jake- he's 23 years old now I think.. He has a girlfriend named Tamika and they both live in New Zealand, so we don't get to see much of them.

I have a best friend that I've known since our primary school years, her name is Kira and she's 18. She lives just around the corner, and I honestly don't know what id do without that girl.

I also have another best friend, well I did until 3 years ago. His name is Niall, yes.. I'm talking about Niall Horan, the guy from the famous boy band!

A boring girl such as myself is friends with someone so famous, you think? Well I am, I was.

Well he wasn't in the band when I saw him last, he was entering Xfactor- I was there watching him behind stage with his mum and dad that very day. We were all so proud of him.

Ever since audition day, I have not seen him, I haven't even had a text message from him! It's like he's just shoved his phone up his arse so he didn't have to talk to me- and now it's been 3 years. Okay the 'shove his phone up his arse' bit was a little dramatic, but seriously.

I haven't heard one peep from him, I've seen him on tv and all of corse, but he hasn't talked to me, he hasn't even told any of the interviewers about me! Not even sure if he's told his band mates about me. I've watched pretty much every interview of them and he hasn't said one thing about me.

One time, the interviewer asked Niall if he had any close friends, or maybe best friends. I thought he was gunna say me, since we've known each other since I moved to Dublin, but he said the boys. I know they are really close and I love seeing them so happy as the 5 best friends, but what about me! I've been his best friend since I was 13 and he was 14, he promised we would never stop being best friends and that he will never leave me but he broke that promise. he's just forgotten about me, like I'm a ghost to him or something.

I miss him so much. I can't really talk to anyone about 'things' or my 'troubles' like I could with him. I mean, I have Kira and she's good for some things, but it's not like Niall, he helped me, he supported me, he trusted me and I trusted him but most importantly, he listens! He actually listens and never complains..

It's like his career of being in this band has changed him, the Niall I knew didn't care about his looks or his body shape, he didn't care about the way his teeth looked and he definitely didn't let people bring him down! Now he has his hair fancy, he dresses up completely different and he got braces! I know they say fame does change you, but Niall always said that no matter what, he would never change for anyone! Another lie..

I couldn't say I have exactly been trying to talk to him lately, but that's because for the past 2 years I've been calling him, texting him, emailing him, Skype calling him, talking to him on Instagram or Kik and that whole time I've been saying to myself, 'he will reply' 'give him time' 'he's my best friend' 'HE'S GONNA CALL YOU!' But he never did. I tried everything I could, every social media, but still nothing.

2 years of all that and what do I get? Silence, nothing but silence. No call back, no Skype back, not even and email or text message- just silence. So Christmas last year, I was gunna text him to wish him a merry Christmas, but I thought, why should I waste my credit when he's not gunna even reply to me? why message him first when he should be messaging ME first?

So since then I've decided to just give up. I've tried so hard to keep in contact with him, and he said before he left that he would, but he kinda made that hard! So stuff it, if he wants to talk, he can call me.

Anyways when we were younger, when we were about 15 or 16. We used to get called the 'childhood sweethearts' because of how gooder friendship we had. People always asked us if we were dating and they even tried to get us together- but it never worked!

Don't get me wrong, Niall is the most amazing guy on the planet, along with the voice of an angel and the most gorgeous eyes and smile and... ugh I said too much. that really did make it sound like I like him.

But I dont, so I don't think we'll ever date... I mean, why would he choose me when he's got millions of girls drooling over him?

He wouldn't.

Anyway moving on.

All I have to say is, I've been miserable without him around and I just want the old times back.

I sound so greedy, of corse I want Niall to have the career he has because he worked so hard for it and he fits in the band perfectly.

But, I just wish I had my best friend back.

Those Three Words {Niall Horan} IN EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now