Chapter Fourteen: Home

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A bright light glares into my eyes, they are shut but it's so bright that its causing me to wake up.

I open my eyes slowly and the sun light shines right into my eyes, I pinch them shut again until they adjust.

I'm still wrapped in Zayns arms, he kept me warm and comfortable all night! He was really lovely.... But I have this gut feeling that something isn't right. And by something I mean between Zayn and I.

Last night I was so sure I wanted this, but now my feelings are telling me otherwise. Don't get me wrong, I do like Zayn, he's a really nice and sweet guy, but something's telling me not to be with him. Which I don't get because I like him!

I feel like last night wasn't meant to happen, we weren't meant to kiss... It was a mistake. Even though I enjoyed it a lot.

I don't want to tell Zayn though, he seemed so into me last night and if he really is then, I don't want to hurt his feelings by telling him I don't want to be with him.

I really don't get myself right now, I like him, I really do, but something is pulling me back from wanting to be in a relationship with him. Maybe I'm just not ready for a boyfriend at the moment?

I can't lie to him though, can I? No of corse I cant! I need to tell him before things get awkward, I hate awkward moments.

I sit up and unlock myself from Zayns arms which caused him to awaken.

He opens his eyes and looks straight at me, he smiles and puts his hand on my back, "hey beautiful"

Oh no, not again. He said it again.

I give him a slight smile back, "hey"

"Did you sleep well?" He questions and I nod.

He wraps his arm around my waist, "You sleep so soundly and beautifully, your like a cute little baby and-"

"Zayn we need to talk" I cut him off.

He raises an eyebrow and starts to look worried, "about what?"

"About last night, did you really mean what you said?" I ask.

"Do you mean my confession of my feelings for you?"


He nods, "of corse I meant it! I know we haven't known each other for very long but I like you a lot, I would like to get to know you more and hopefully give this a try, what do you say?"

His dark brown eyes twinkle at me and his voice turns sweet.

Shit. What am I meant to say? He seems serious and happy about this, I don't want to upset him by rejecting him. But I can't lie either. What else can I do though?

It's either reject him and hurt his feelings, possibly ruining our friendship too, or I slightly lie to him and go along with it so he's happy.

I think I will go with option two, I want him to be happy. And maybe I will be happy with him too, if I give it a try. The saying is, if you like someone then go for it! So I should.

"We can try, but it's not serious at the moment ok?" I state.

"Ok" he replies and holds my hand.

I give him a slight smile, I feel so guilty, but I'm doing this for Zayn, and maybe even myself.

"So have you calmed down about the hole Niall situation?" He asks.

Those Three Words {Niall Horan} IN EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now