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Chapter 2. Space A large portion of spicy beef noodles, plus a portion of tripe... It

is a world of its own in Yuzhu.

Gu Qingxian walked to the stone tablet and saw densely written words on it, recording various experiences after the space appeared.

In short, Shennong came to the world thousands of years ago and left space to benefit future generations. Later, the world entered the Age of Ending Dharma, and the treasure that continuously produced spiritual energy was fought for by everyone. The descendants of the Shennong family had no choice but to work together to seal it into the sinking lake. In the blink of an eye, we are now here.

This is a legendary divine item. Gu Qingxian did not expect that the big and fragrant pie would hit her head blankly.

She was dizzy, and when she realized what she was doing, the corners of her mouth were already raised.

The common goal of people in the cultivation world is to form elixirs and live without grains as soon as possible. They usually eat whatever they want. There are very few types of serious food and the taste is quite bad. She alone was born with needs and desires for food that were different from others.

So she has been inspiring since childhood to become the first spiritual food cultivator in the world of cultivation. Unfortunately...she is the daughter of the leader of the First Sword Sect.

In the past thousand years, only three people in the entire world of cultivation have been promoted to Mahayana. She has the highest talent among the younger generation, and with the help of a magician, she can be promoted to Mahayana within a hundred years.

Therefore, her father devoted himself to training her to become a sword cultivator, hoping that she would be promoted to the Mahayana to revitalize the sect, and would not allow her to engage in such nonsense as a spiritual cultivator. But Gu Qingxian doesn't like the flash of swords, she just likes to stay in front of the land and cultivate food.

She dug a piece of land secretly behind her father's back, caught some wild animals, used magic to change their taste, and even developed spiritual plants with special effects.

However, when her father discovered that she was secretly studying planting and breeding techniques, he directly destroyed all her hard work and even used forbidden techniques to restrain her, preventing her from using these useless techniques again.

Later, let alone being promoted to Mahayana, she didn't even reach the stage of becoming a god, and she was gone.

Now, not only did she travel through time, but she also entered the spiritual field space by mistake...perhaps it was God's compensation?

There is a saying in this world that "food is the most important thing for all people". There are so many kinds of food, which makes people look forward to it just thinking about it.

Gu Qingxian changed her body, and the forbidden technique was no longer effective. Here, she can not only practice, but also realize her dream in her previous life.

The soil full of spiritual energy seemed to be exuding fragrance. She strode to the edge of the land, took a deep breath, and felt comfortable in all her limbs.

Gu Qingxian immediately sat down and tried to practice breathing here. However, the strange thing is that although the spiritual energy here is extremely abundant, it cannot be absorbed into the Dantian.

Could it be because he changed his body?

She returned to the stone tablet in confusion, trying to find the answer in the text, but found that new words appeared in the blank space.

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