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Chapter 81. Twenty-six dragon fruits The boss and I went in both directions. ...

[Shit, take a quick photo to show me the true face of boss Lushan. ]

[Li Tian: Don't think about it. The boss once posted on Weibo and said please don't take pictures of her. ]

[You secretly filmed her without knowing it! I'm so curious. ]

[Li Tian: Wow, you are so cruel. What good will it do to you to have a bad impression of me from your boss! ]

[Okay, okay, can you take a photo of the store entrance? ]

[Li Tian: No problem, wait until I line up at the door to take pictures for you. 】

Li Tian raised her head, stood on tiptoes and looked forward, and began to wonder if it would be bad for her to come over without saying hello.

Turning around, she thought again that she was here to buy fruit today. She said hello first and would receive the fruit promised by the boss tomorrow - wouldn't this make it possible for her to go to the boss twice with confidence?

After queuing for ten minutes, she finally came to the door and raised her phone to take a photo of the plaque and the store entrance.

After sending the photo to the group, she clicked it and took a look at it. She couldn't help feeling that the words on the plaque were really beautiful.

Li Tian didn't understand the characters, but she could tell that the characters were unusual.

Having satisfied everyone's curiosity, she opened Weibo and moved forward in small steps while scrolling through Weibo until she heard the boy maintaining order standing beside her and said: "Sorry everyone, this lady doesn't have any Xiangxue strawberries or mangoes." The goods are out. If you want to buy these two kinds, please come back tomorrow."

Li Tian looked at the time and took a breath. It was only 12:20, and only milk and strawberries were left?

She looked back and saw that there were at least dozens of people behind her, who were destined to miss the Xiangxue strawberries and mangoes. The boy who just scanned the QR code to collect purchasing intentions asked people who couldn't buy the fruit to leave early, so as not to wait until he found out that the fruit was gone.

Finally it was Li Tian's turn to enter the store. Seeing her carrying a suitcase, Du Ping smiled and said to Miss Gu: "Maybe there will be more people carrying suitcases during the holiday tomorrow."

Li Tian glanced around and targeted directly Focus on the beautiful woman wearing a mask with a gentle smile in her eyes.

Her eyes lit up instantly and she shouted: "Hello, boss! I finally came to F City to see you. I chatted with you on Weibo, called..." Before she could finish her words, she suddenly paused and

realized A question arises...

if the boss doesn't remember her, wouldn't it be embarrassing for her to call out her ID?

There are always people on the Internet who say that the boss has a good memory, but...

The smile on Li Tian's face gradually froze. Gu Qingxian looked at her when she heard the voice, her voice was gentle: "Isn't it very sweet?"

The little girl's frozen smile immediately brightened up, and she left The suitcase ran over excitedly and said, "It's me, it's me! How did you guess it? That's amazing!"

Li Tian felt like she was chasing a star. When she learned that her boss remembered her, fireworks exploded in her head.

Gu Qingxian smiled and said: "Because you are the only one who has chatted with me and said that he wants to come to F city to find me." "Isn't it

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