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Chapter 5. Three strawberries worth 210 pounds, you will earn it if you buy it! ...

Before he could react, Jiao Lingling lowered her head, rubbed a strawberry, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The boyfriend was about to refuse, but the strawberry had already entered his mouth. He chewed it twice and then his eyes widened.

What kind of strawberry is this?

How could it be so delicious? !

He has never been interested in berries, but now he wants to buy ten pounds and eat them for fun!

Seeing that Jiao Lingling wanted to continue eating, her boyfriend quickly stopped her: "There are pesticide residues in the fruit. Let's go back and wash it before eating." After

saying this, he swallowed and had the urge to have another one.

It seems he has to work harder to make money.

Otherwise, I wouldn't even be able to eat strawberries!


After it opened, some people were attracted by the beautiful words on the sign, and others were attracted by the unusual fragrance of strawberries. When they learned that there was no bargaining for 210 pounds, they all turned around and never sold a second pound.

Gu Qingxian was not in a hurry, picking up a strawberry and stuffing it into her mouth under the mask from time to time.

Through what just happened, she understood that her own strawberries were not only delicious in color and aroma, but also contained a small amount of spiritual energy, which could nourish the body and prolong life of ordinary people, without causing any harm.

Two hundred and one kilogram, if you buy it, you will make a profit, she will not lower the price!

It's just that the sunny days in August are the most difficult to endure. In the sultry days, there are fewer and fewer passers-by.

There was no business now, so she closed the trunk and got into the car and entered the space.

The remaining 89 strawberry plants are crawling on the ground, their stems dotted with beautifully shaped fruits. Each strawberry has a small touch of red on its tip. It is estimated that it will be ripe tomorrow morning.

The plants that have already produced fruit have not yet formed flower buds, and we don't know when they will bloom and bear fruit again.

Seeing that there was still a large open space in the field, she moved two more boxes of seedlings and bent down to get busy.

Transplanting was really tiring, and she hadn't thought of any good solution yet, so she could only work hard on her own for the time being.

After finally finishing her work in the field, Gu Qingxian felt something moving outside. She patted the dirt on her hands and used the Cleansing Technique to leave the space.

Through the car window, she saw a small blue truck parked aside, and behind the truck stood the melon vendor she saw yesterday.

Gu Qingxian got out of the car, and the strong man who was unloading the railings of the carriage was startled: "It turns out there is someone in the car."

He was just thinking about someone who parked the car in front of his stall and took up a small area. place, affecting his business.

Li Long was impatient and shouted without thinking: "Hey, move the car to a place where you are blocking me."

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