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Chapter 51. The twenty-two Mango Valley ladies earned their hard-earned money...

The staff next to her took the empty cup and handed her water to rinse her mouth with.

Picking up the second cup of thick strawberry yogurt, Xu Lin introduced again: "We are considering making this yogurt into a large cup, with a lot of jam fruit pieces in it. Some of the jam is made from the pulp of the juice, which is similar to the strawberry juice." The milk production line cooperates to ensure that the pulp will not be wasted."

Gu Qingxian scooped up a spoonful with a matching plastic spoon and said with satisfaction: "It's good, the spoon is big enough, and it seems that every spoonful can bring the pulp."

Xu Lin smiled

Said : "Yes, because during the market research, we found that the strawberry yogurt you sell in the No. 1 Middle School Snack Street has this characteristic. There is pulp in every bite. Customers like the satisfaction brought by the strawberry granules." . Gu Qingxian nodded and put the yogurt into her mouth.

It's almost a 100% replica of the yogurt she sold before... No, they do it better. After all, it is a professional R&D team, and the ratio of strawberries and yogurt in this yogurt is more perfect. Moreover, the sweetness and taste of yogurt are more suitable for pairing with strawberries than Oriental yogurt. She must have specially studied the sweetness of her strawberry.

Gu Qingxian is very satisfied with these two products.

Next there is a solid yogurt, this one is added with chopped strawberries. Maybe it's because Gu Qingxian doesn't like eating solid yogurt very much, so she feels average about this product, but overall it tastes good.

Seeing that she was very satisfied with the first two products, Xu Lin breathed a sigh of relief. The last solid yogurt was not what Huiji was good at, so the first two products were planned to be launched.

She has finalized it here, and the brand decision-making department and marketing planning department can also prepare. The product packaging and name haven't been decided yet, Xu Lin showed her the preliminary concept drawing, and Gu Qingxian suddenly remembered that Ji Mulan and herself asked for a fruit LOGO, and asked casually: "Do you need to add my fruit LOGO?" "

If an ordinary greengrocer asked this, the people in the product department would think there is something wrong with this person.

Who launches fruity products and needs to add the fruit seller's LOGO? Besides, there are more than one store for purchasing fruits, and customers won't know who is who after printing.

But this question was asked by Miss Gu. Looking at the popularity of her strawberry and mango products in F City and even across the country, and considering that the students in No. 1 Middle School are obsessed with her yogurt, they feel that they have surpassed their boss.

According to their understanding, Miss Gu's strawberry business has just started, but it has already achieved such results, and its future popularity will obviously be far greater than this.

After getting the boss's look, Xu Lin immediately said: "We need it. If you are willing to provide it, we are very willing to cooperate."

Gu Qingxian sent him the source file. Everything she had to do had been done, so she stood up and left directly.

Xu Lin took the boss's instructions and asked: "Miss Gu, are you free to have dinner with me tonight?" "

No, thank you, I have something to do tonight."

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