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Chapter 91. Thirty-six Pitaya #Tao Wu Weibo Looking for Someone #...

With this good news, Feng Bo finally felt better.

He knew that the owner of the fruit shop grew his own fruits, so he tried to check the source of the fruit seedlings. However, after searching again and again, he found an agricultural unit involved in state secrets, and he could not continue the investigation. Unable to find a source of fruit seedlings, they had to resort to the next best thing, cultivating seeds from sold fruits.

The previous batches of cultivation had failed, and he thought there was no hope. Who would have thought that there would be such good news suddenly.

He was happy, finally in the mood to solve the matter on the marketing account. But now that things are getting serious, his own abilities are no longer good enough, and he has to go to the upper management.

Feng Bo picked up his phone, flipped through it, and made a call. The expression on his face changed instantly. Although the other party couldn't see it, his expression was as flattering as possible.

"Director Xie, hey, it's me, Xiao Feng. I'm bothering you during my vacation...Hey, let's get down to business. It's about the fruit shop we worked with Huiji before..." On the other side, Xie Ni pushed aside the half-dressed clothes beside her

. The undressed man listened to what was said on the phone and said "Yeah": "I know, give me your contact information and I will handle it." After hanging up the phone, she pushed the

man away impatiently: "I don't have time to talk to you. You're making trouble, I'll leave first."

After Xie Ni put on her clothes, she saw the man's face was full of unhappiness, so she went over and patted his face: "I'll see you when I'm done."

After saying that, she picked up the thin thread of her handbag with her index finger. Chain, take the bag out.

Xie Ni graduated this year. She originally wanted to be a leisurely rich second generation who eats, drinks and has fun, but her father arranged for her to go to Japan as an airborne director. If she didn't go, all her cards would be stopped.

If it were in the past, she would definitely not be afraid of her father's toughness. He was just a daughter, and the company would be hers in the future.

But now...

thinking of the illegitimate child, Xie Ni's expression turned cold, she walked into the garage and called her friend.

"Yao Yao, why did you go to the fruit shop to find your sister? Let's go there together. I also have something to talk to her about."

Gu Yao is worried about this matter. Ever since her sister deleted all contacts with her and disappeared from the world, she has almost become a joke in the circle. They say that the Gu family has become wild after selling their daughter to a vegetable. Can't stand it anymore.

The Gu family company is still in crisis, and they are too busy taking care of themselves to care about where Gu Qingxian goes to fend for themselves. Gu Yao had never thought about taking the initiative to find her whereabouts until the opening day of the calligraphy exhibition. She saw a "Miss Gu" surrounded by people and began to inquire.

Later, she learned that her sister was now running a fruit shop. People in the circle laughed to death, saying that her sister was really a country bumpkin. They, the rich second generation, all worked hard to start a business, so how could they open a fruit shop? ah?

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