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Chapter 6. Four strawberries are really good! Thank you, black-hearted boss!

Li Long smiled honestly at her and carefully handed out the watermelon. Without reaching out to hit the smiling man, Gu Qingxian took it and nodded without saying a word.

She had never eaten this kind of fruit, and it looked sweet and juicy. Unfortunately, she had limited energy and no time to develop new fruits.

There were no guests at the moment, so Li Long stayed with her and said, "Sister, what kind of strawberry do you have? Where did you buy it?"

Gu Qingxian said calmly: "It's just ordinary milk strawberry seedlings. It doesn't matter where you buy it. ."

Li Long asked a few more questions, but he couldn't say anything, so he settled for the next best thing and asked, "Then will you come back tomorrow?" "

Not necessarily."

After hearing this, Li Long was anxious again. He shouted: "Hey, isn't your business very good? Don't give up halfway. Come here every day to set up a stall, and you will be able to accumulate regular customers in a week." Gu Qingxian saw what he was planning and said: "

Here The sales are too slow, so we might change places."

"No, you..." Li Long wanted to say something, but a customer came next to him. He couldn't help but sigh after looking at the price of strawberries, and turned to buy watermelon.

He ran back quickly.

After selling the watermelons, he ran back and said, "Sister, how about I recommend a place to you? The West Street has a lot of people and a lot of white-collar workers, so it will definitely sell out quickly." Anyway, he had nothing to do, so

Gu Qingxian leaned against the car . , listen to him talk about the situation on West Street.

According to the other party, there are many office buildings near West Street with many white-collar workers who can afford high-priced fruits. Business is particularly good during peak hours after get off work.

Sounds doable.

However, Gu Qingxian thought about it and decided to sell it here for a few days to see if there are repeat customers and listen to feedback from old customers.

Seeing that things were going well, Li Long said with a smile: "When the time comes, you can find a truck selling cantaloupes. The license plate number is 2333. It's best to set up a stall there."

Cantaloupe? Gu Qingxian thought there was some explanation and asked seriously: "Why?"

Li Long scratched his head and grinned: "My wife sells cantaloupes there. If you go over, her business will definitely be good."

Valley·Walking Buff·Qingxian: "..."

Co-author, you are thinking that the wealth will not go to outsiders, right?

The watermelon stall became busy again, and Li Long said cheerfully: "Sister, come to my place to get melons when you finish eating them."

Gu Qingxian smiled helplessly, responded, and ate melons while waiting for business.

Watermelon is delicious, but there are a lot of seeds.

After finishing the melon, she stared at the seeds for a while and collected them with a paper towel.

Anyway, there is still some open space in the spiritual field, and she plans to throw watermelon seeds in to see if watermelons can sprout and grow.

When it was almost five o'clock, a couple with their children walked towards the strawberry stand. The children lost their appetite in the summer, and when they saw the strawberries, they clamored to eat them. Their family didn't need much money, so they bought a pound.

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