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Chapter 11. This cocktail with nine strawberries is sure to be a hit!

Gu Qingxian hurriedly picked all the strawberries from the mature plants, and fell into deep thought when facing a pile of giant strawberries.

The 58 strawberry plants originally only weighed 70 kilograms, but because she didn't pick them in time, they have now swelled to 140 kilograms...

The output suddenly doubled, but Gu Qingxian couldn't be happy.

how so.

Don't strawberries grow to their maximum size first, and then slowly mature and change color? !

Why does it suddenly get bigger?

Gu Qingxian tasted one, but the taste didn't change at all. It was solid inside, not empty, but it had grown so big...who dared to buy it?

Thinking of the ten-pound order she just received, she even had a headache.

The strawberries were too big. Although they were making drinks, the size of the strawberries might not matter, but this seemed to be a food safety issue...

Forget it, put the order behind her, she would just practice first.

The size of the strawberry increases, but the aura remains the same as the normal size, without any change.

Halfway through the practice, Gu Qingxian heard a knock on the door outside the space, gathered her breath and stood up from the ground.

Hmm... You have to bring a cushion with you next time you come in. You can't sit on the ground every time you practice.

Before leaving, she asked the stone tablet whether the spiritual energy would weaken after picking the crops, and she received the answer "it will not weaken".

Gu Qingxian was about to cry but had no tears. If she had known earlier, she would have picked them together with the previous batch. Otherwise, how could such a thing have happened?

Du Ping, who was outside the door, saw no response from inside for a long time and thought she was sleeping. She was about to leave when the door suddenly opened.

Miss Gu smiled at her: "What's wrong, Aunt Ping?"

Du Ping pointed downstairs: "Dinner is ready, can you eat it now?" "

Yeah, thank you for your hard work."

"No hard work, I'll serve the soup ."

Aunt Ping's cooking is really good, with four dishes and one soup, the color combination and nutrition are balanced, and every dish is tempting.

Gu Qingxian was now completely satisfied with Aunt Ping. She sat her down to have dinner together and asked her if there was any way to solve the problem of not being able to eat strawberries.

Aunt Ping thought for a while and replied: "You can bake them into dried strawberries, or make strawberry jam. The young master loved sweets when he was a child, so I made him dried strawberries covered in chocolate, and he...hey, look at me, saying this What are you doing?"

She blamed herself. After all, marrying a vegetative person was not a good thing. If she said this in front of Miss Gu, others might not like to hear it.

Gu Qingxian didn't think it mattered. She knew very little about Sheng Jinhuai. In her memory, Sheng Jinhuai seemed to be a person with terrible methods. During the time when they lived in the Sheng family, except for the people around the old man, the other Sheng family members were happy to see Sheng Jinhuai's jokes, saying that he deserved it and that this was retribution.

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