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Chapter 3. A strawberry starts to grow strawberries.

"Yes, thank you." Gu Qingxian thanked the boss and took a deep breath while holding the noodle bowl.

Her knowledge of food in this world comes from the original owner, and she knows that noodles from street shops cannot be counted as delicacies.

This kind of food is not worth mentioning.

But -

this is the first time for Gu Qingxian to smell such an irresistible smell!

It smelled good, a bit pungent, but it didn't smell good, but it could easily arouse the greed in her stomach.

Gu Qingxian turned her attention back to Gu Yao with difficulty and replied: "The house is not haunted, and I am eating well."

Gu Yao: "..."

She heard it just now, and it was indeed OK.

But she quickly caught another important point: "Sister, why are you eating out? Didn't you say that the Sheng family sent a nanny over?" "

I went out to buy something and eat something on the way. No more talking, let's go eat first." The aroma of the hot beef noodles was fragrant. Gu Qingxian was eager to eat the noodles. She said a few words casually and quickly hung up the phone.

Gu Yao only had time to say hastily, "Sister, take good care of yourself" before seeing that the other party had hung up the phone.

She bit her lower lip, and the uneasiness that had dissipated returned to her heart.

Growing up, her sister always thought that she could not do anything well and relied heavily on her sister. Gu Yao also enjoyed this feeling of controlling others. Ever since her sister came to the Sheng family to celebrate, Gu Yao was always worried about her sister's foothold in the Sheng family - she was better than her sister in everything and could not accept her sister's pressure on her.

Sheng Jinhuai was in a vegetative state, but everyone knew that as long as he could wake up safely, the Sheng family would still belong to him. And the Sheng family will not treat her badly if her sister is happy and meritorious.

Later, something happened to the old man of the Sheng family, and Sheng Jinhuai and her sister, who had no one to protect them, were evicted from the old house, and she felt relieved.

Two days ago, Gu Yao received a crying call from her, saying that she couldn't stay any longer, couldn't eat or sleep well, and wanted to go home. Gu Yao wasted no time and waited for two days before giving her a reply, so that she would be anxious but not despair...

It turns out that it has only been two days, and my sister can already eat and drink well? Order so much in one go? !

Gu Yao hates the feeling of things being out of control.

Did something happen that she didn't know about?

While she was thinking wildly, Gu Qingxian had already finished a large bowl of noodles and eaten all the side dishes.


How can chili be so delicious? If it weren't for the fact that peppers were not as profitable as strawberries, she would have wanted to plant peppers first.

The spicy soup base is topped with a spoonful of sesame oil, which is delicious and spicy. She can have another bowl.

Gu Qingxian knew that the taste of this bowl of beef noodles was very ordinary to the original owner, but such an insignificant taste was enough to amaze her.

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