Chapter 5. Reunited In Darkness

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Anakin led the way through the passages. He paused and glanced out a window. Luke stopped beside him, staring in horror. "That's not good." Luke muttered.

"You think?" Anakin said. The world was literally splitting into multiple parts. "C'mon, this way."

They descended several flights of stairs. Along the way the quake began to lessen. By the time they reached the ground floor it was more of a hum vibrating through the floor. Anakin spotted the Father, he was heading outside. "Hey! What's going on?"

The elder looked to the Jedi pair and gestured to the opened double doors. "My children have brought your companions to safety." He said bluntly before leading the way out.

Anakin and Luke shared a look before following. And sure enough, in the courtyard at the bottom of the grand stairway was Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and a red haired human. All had their lightsabers understandably at the ready. Anakin started forward but Luke pushed right past him. Practically falling down the steep steps in fact. Anakin had to struggle to keep up.

"Dad!" The red haired boy cried. He was probably only a little older than Ahsoka, Anakin supposed as he watched the boy happily reach out to embrace Luke. Anakin took note of the lightsaber now hanging on the boy's belt. To his expert eye the lightsaber was old, modified and several parts had been replaced. But the style had been kept faithfully. The crystal's presence within was only further proof that this was his lightsaber.

Anakin swallowed. So was it true then? It had to be. That was his lightsaber, yet the lightsaber on his belt was also here. And those memories Luke showed him... of Old Obi-Wan and the lightsaber he had gifted to Luke. Anakin felt his vision blur. He had a son. Somewhere along the way he was going to be a father, Padmé was going to name their son Luke. His grandchild was going to carry his lightsaber. To top it all off... his son and grandson were kriffing time travelers.

Someone touched his arm. Anakin flinched away and tore his gaze from his... from Luke and Luke's boy. Ahsoka was looking up at him, worry rolled between their Force bond. "Master?"

"Hey, hey Snips." Anakin forced a smile as Obi-Wan approached. "Took you two long enough."

Obi-Wan crossed his arms. "What's going on?"

Anakin raised his hands. "What makes you think I know? I've been grounded in my room since I got here."

The Daughter stepped forward suddenly. "It is Abeloth, she's integrating herself into Mortis."

"What the hell does that mean?" The red haired boy had broken away from Luke and was looking at Daughter with wide blue eyes.

She shook her head. "I cannot imagine her intentions... Father?"

All eyes turned to the Father. His wrinkled forehead was knitted in concentration. "The castle is safe, for now." He informed the group. "Come inside, it is not wise to be out while she roams."

Anakin turned to his friends and tilted his head. "We don't have much of a choice."

"I'll say." Ahsoka muttered, following after their outlandish hosts."


Rooms were made up for all five Jedi, but Luke and Ben were far more content to stay in one room together. Ben was starring out the window as the quakes continued. The once majestic, fearsome land was now in ruins and dying. Luke preferred not to look. Instead he sat cross legged on his sleeping mat and tried to meditate. Mostly on the damage to his neck. It was still sore and he had gradually begun to lose his voice throughout the day cycle. The Father had made a dinner for his guests but not much was discussed. Or rather Anakin got to be formally introduced to Ben by Ahsoka, then the three took it upon themselves to push questions while Luke and Obi-Wan watched and the Father gave vague roundabout answers or refused to speak at all. Afterwards the five Jedi decided to retire for the evening.

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