Chapter 7. Repeat of History

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The void was an extension of Abeloth. Of that Luke was certain. The dark entity had trapped him within herself. The Force was present here... but it was not open to his control. So after what seemed like hours of self reflection and nearly shameless self pity he got up and wandered through the void. It was as one might imagine. But every now and again Luke came upon the most peculiar things. A rock here, remnants of a house there. A dried up pool over yonder, a goblet covered in cobwebs. Memories maybe? Abeloth's memories? They were not exciting memories if that was the case. It was not as suffocating here either. Maybe she did not like visiting these memories. Maybe that meant he was safe. Well, as safe as he could be. The pool kept coming back into view as Luke walked. Whether he was walking in circles or caught in a loop Luke could not guess. But he was tired and decided to sit by the pool. It was made of crumbling stone and marble, dead grass surrounded it. The stone was cold to Luke's touch and the grass crumbled under his body as he settled himself. Again Luke reached out to the Force. Again he was ignored. Luke groaned, pulling one knee to his chest and resting his chin on it.


The call was faint. Faintest of the faint. Luke ignored it. He was just imagining things.


Luke sighed and shook his head.


It sounded like Anakin. Luke sat up straighter, his ears practically twitching to hear the call one more time. Something touched his hair. Luke flinched away and jumped to his feet, turning around with his lightsaber drawn. And there he stood. Not Anakin from Mortis... no this Anakin was hued a ghostly blue and looked significantly older. As Luke remembered him on Endor.

Luke lowered his lightsaber. "Abeloth."

But the ghostly Anakin shook his head. "It's me, Luke."

"That's what you said when you used Mara against me." Luke snarled and poised his lightsaber. "If you're going to keep using dead people to manipulate me, maybe use the ones who actually cared."

"Luke... Son-" Anakin took a step forward.

"Don't." Luke warned.

But Anakin was undeterred. "Please, please listen to me."

"I don't want anything from you." Luke said evenly. "You never wanted anything to do with me."

"That isn't true." Anakin said, shaking his head.

Luke snorted. "You died. You died and I- I just wanted to see you again. To have a conversation. One kriffing conversation at least! Where were you? Where were you when it all fell apart?"

Anakin bit his lip. "It's complicated."

"I have lived longer than you did." Luke informed his dead father bitterly. "If you aren't Abeloth then you can explain your reasons for abandoning me."

Anakin sighed, but nodded. He sat down by the pool and seemed to wait for Luke to do the same. Slowly Luke put his lightsaber away. He sat down, not caring to move closer to his absent father.

"I didn't come to you because I was scared." Anakin admitted. "I only came to Leia because I wanted to apologize. But I couldn't face you again."

"Why?" Luke asked.

"Because you are good." Anakin said gently. "You are a good man. I didn't want to taint your Light again. I didn't want to hurt you. So I had Obi-Wan tell you we were moving on."

Luke frowned. "So you abandoned me and made Ben lie to me?"

Anakin shook his head. "There was some truth to that. Obi-Wan was tired, he and Yoda did pass on. I didn't."

Luke shook his head. "Why?"

"Because I wanted to see what you and Leia would do. I wanted to see Leia restore freedom and diplomacy, I wanted to see you raise a new Jedi Order." Anakin smiled sadly. "I wanted to see you fall in love."

"But you weren't there when Jacen was hurt." Luke pointed out grimly. "You weren't there when he turned. When he tortured Ben and murdered Mara."

"I couldn't interfere." Anakin said weakly.

Luke shook his head and scoffed. "You should've passed on."

"I know." Anakin agreed. "It was when Abeloth began circling you that I realized I had to do something. We had to talk."

"It's a little late for that." Luke snapped. "Look at what's happening. She's literally put her kriffing tongue down my throat!"

Anakin raised a hand, waving down Luke's distress and anger. "Do you remember the deal you struck?"

Luke frowned but took a breath anyways, straining to remember the details. "She wanted to come to Mortis and she needed my help. In exchange she said she would repair my family... she'd bring Mara back."

Anakin nodded. "Listen to me, Luke. You cannot accept her end of the bargain. No matter what you have to let Mara go. For everyone's sake."

Luke shook his head vehemently. "I've already let so many go."

"I know you have." Anakin said. "I understand the pain you're going through. But holding on, especially now... it will destroy you and everyone you have left."

"But it's Mara." Luke said, suddenly feeling small. Vulnerable even. How could he let her go now? What if Abeloth could truly bring her back? What if he could have his wife with him again?

"She died trying to protect Ben." Anakin said, his voice soft and severely empathetic. "Don't squander that sacrifice."

Luke rose to his feet and turned away. "You ask the impossible." He whispered.

Anakin touched his shoulder. Luke did not flinch away this time.

"Your mother died because I couldn't let go." Slowly Anakin pulled Luke back to face him. "I lost you, I lost Leia. And I lost the future our family could have had. I lost everyone because I wanted to have everything." Tenderly Anakin wiped a tear Luke hadn't realized was falling down his cheek. "Don't repeat my mistakes, Luke. You are stronger and wiser than I was. I have faith in you."

Luke took a deep breath, closing his eyes as Anakin gently pulled him into an embrace. Tentatively Luke return it, his face buried in Anakin's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for everything, my son." Anakin murmured against Luke's hair.

"I know... Father."

Anakin's arms tightened around Luke, and just for a moment Luke was not hurting.


Luke startled at the shout. Anakin was gone. Luke turned around. A bright light was coming towards him. Luke raised a hand over his eyes and squinted. "Anakin?" The light was the Force and the one attached to it was tall and human.

"You're still alive." Anakin exclaimed breathlessly. He grabbed Luke's arm. Immediately the darkness fell away for the warmth of the Light.

Luke sucked in a shocked breath, only realizing now that he had been so cold.

"Are you hurt?" Anakin's other hand was passing over the side of Luke's face, his shoulder and chest in search of injuries.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." Luke said, pushing Anakin's hand away while he clung to the other. "I'm not hurt."

Anakin nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. "Come on," Anakin started back the way he had come, his hand still holding Luke's tightly, "we're getting you out of here. It'll be okay."


Author's Note
Thank you for reading this far into the story! Hope you enjoy the rest. Vote and comment your thoughts, thank you for reading and may the Force be with you.

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