Chapter 16. From Another Time

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Luke dozed lightly. There was no point in running if the end result would be Luke finishing the job for Abeloth. He desperately needed some rest.

"Damned Jedi."

Luke smiled at the memory. This forest could very much resemble Myrkr if not for the Force's grand presence here. Mara Jade had been so angry back then. Bitter and sarcastic and incredibly murderous. But also resourceful, oddly funny and she knew when to begrudgingly admit she needed Luke's help. Most of the time. Something beautiful and unique hid under all that hurt and anger. Not an ideal match at the time, Luke admitted to himself. But even so, he had gifted his old lightsaber to her. A weapon with vast significance and even value to him. That act sealed their fate. That act sealed Mara's fate.

Taking a deep breath Luke pulled himself out of his doze. Only to be startled by a familiar woman standing in front of him. Luke quickly got to his feet. Had Abeloth really found him so quickly?

The red haired woman just smiled. "Come here often?" She asked, almost flirtatiously.

Luke frowned at her. That did not sound like something Abeloth would say. Well, not after their last interaction. "Who are you?"

"I'm Emperor Palpatine." The woman said, rolling her eyes.


The woman shook her head. "C'mon Skywalker." She turned and began to make her way into the forest, only to stop when Luke did not follow. "What now?"

Luke shrugged. "Last time I followed someone without question I ended up dying."

"Ah," The woman nodded and came back. "but you don't trust your own wife?"

"You're not my wife."

"That's hurtful."

Luke folded his arms. "What are you?"

The woman gestured around. "Isn't it obvious? You're losing your marbles."

"Now that is hurtful."

The woman laughed slightly. "Well it's true. Now come on, I'm trying to save your stupid farmboy ass."

Luke rolled his eyes and leaned back into the tree behind him. "I'm not going anywhere with you." Luke told what he believe now to be a figment of his imagination. His mind was not something he trusted in this environment.

"Luke, you're going to die if you don't come with me." The woman said, losing her charming facade. "Seriously. If Abeloth doesn't kill you dehydration will." She then snorted. "And don't tell me you can sustain yourself with the Force. That can only go on for so long."

Luke frowned, only now noticing he was in fact thirsty and had not had a proper drink for a very long time.

The woman sighed. "Ask me anything. Ask me something only your Mara would know."

Luke only shook his head. "My Mara is dead."

The woman frowned, alarm crossing her face. "What?" She asked.

Now that was odd, Luke decided. The woman looked scared and shocked. "But... I'm right here." She insisted.

Confusion started to roll off the woman, Luke narrowed his eyes. He should not be able to sense emotions coming from an imagined figure.

The woman bit her lip. She raised her hands. "Luke... Luke, it's me."

Luke shook his head. "No."

She huffed and seemed to try and regain her composure. "Look, I'm not going to try and understand any of it. I was on a mission with Karrde-"

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