Chapter 15. You'll Be Okay

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Abeloth looked confused. Luke shifted his weight, unsure how the deity was going to process his refusal. All Luke was sure of was that she would not be happy. The confused glaze in her eyes suddenly cleared.

"I offer you the universe and you refuse me?" Abeloth seethed. "Why don't you understand? I only want to help you!"

Luke shook his head. "You want to use me and my family for your own ends. I refuse."

Abeloth scoffed. "I killed my son for you! I saved your life, it is mine!"

"It is not." Luke said, voice calm and even.

That only seemed to enrage Abeloth further. Her human hand morphed into an alien tentacle as she suddenly lashed out at the Jedi.

Luke ducked under the attack, rolling and taking several long strides to get behind the creature before summoning up his own strength. A burst of emerald lightning blasted from his finger tips, hitting Abeloth squarely in the chest just as she had turned to face him again. Her gaunt face looked surprised. Luke waited expectantly. But nothing happened. Abeloth laughed and bore down on him, the rest of her appendages becoming monstrously inhuman. Her mouth grew too wide for her face, sharp teeth gnashing angrily.

Luke turned and made a break for it. He needed to think fast. Electric judgement was an ability that few had resisted in his time since learning it. Luke was painfully aware of his missing lightsaber now as he sprinted through the bright forest. "Think Luke, think." He muttered to himself. If he was going to kill Abeloth he needed a plan. More importantly he needed the dagger. He could hear Abeloth screeching and hollering behind him. He needed to hide first, buy time. Drawing on the Force was difficult here, no doubt because of the stillness Abeloth's abominable presence wrought on the Force. But Luke did not get where he was today because things went easy for him. Demanding the Force to his will Luke halted and reached out to the trees around him. A lightsaber would have made things so much easier, Luke decided as gradually the thick tree trunks began to snap. Abeloth was in sight, twisting between the trees to get to Luke. Luke waited, waited. He gritted his teeth, swinging his arms down. The trees around Abeloth broke with hideous snaps amd groans and fell down on her. She cried out in surprise as one trunk hit her in a face, obscuring her vision while the rest of her forest barraged her body in an attempt to pin Abeloth to the ground.

Luke took his chance and bolted while she screamed in confusion more than any actual hurt.

Going deeper into the forest Luke finally took a moment. He took a deep breath. Released it and repeated. He need to stay alive and hidden. Luke inhaled deeply in an attempt to catch his breath while he took a closer look at his surroundings. Abeloth's paradise forest had grown dark, no longer golden hued with bright green. Maybe because she was angry, Luke supposed as he took another deep breath. He turned his focus inward. He did not want to chance Abeloth finding him. Not before he could get a hold of his weapons. So Luke focused on himself, on his presence. It was akin to picking up and squashing himself really. But Luke was good at it now, shrinking his presence to nearly that of any normal person. He hoped doing so would keep Abeloth from finding him too soon. With his presence successfully muted Luke went on his way.


Obi-Wan was at a complete and terrible loss over Anakin's sudden breakdown. His friend, usually so strong and proud, sat on the ground with an ashen face and terror written over it. Obi-Wan dared to approach the distraught man again. He sat down beside his friend. When Anakin did not object Obi-Wan spoke. "Anakin?"

Anakin flinched and looked to Obi-Wan. There was such despair in those sad blue eyes. Obi-Wan reached out and touched Anakin's hand. "What have you seen?" Obi-Wan asked gently, softly.

Anakin shook his head, squeezed his eyes shut and turned away.

"Anakin, let me help you." Obi-Wan implored. "Don't push me out, not now. Not after all this. Tell me what's happened."

Slowly Anakin took a deep breath. He seemed to ground himself, seemed to bring himself back to reality. "It's terrible, Obi-Wan." He whispered. "It's a nightmare."

Obi-Wan frowned and moved a little closer. "Tell me."

Anakin took another breath, but it was shaky this time. He trembled. "In a vision... I kill everyone." Anakin would not meet Obi-Wan's gaze. "The clones were killing Jedi... I killed Ahsoka, I killed youn- I-" Anakin shook his head, his pale skin showing a hint of green. "They're all dead." Anakin finally looked Obi-Wan in the eyes. "I killed all of you. Even Padmé." Fresh tears split down Anakin's face. "And I tried to kill my son... I took his hand."

Obi-Wan listened and skillfully hid all his shock and fear. Why would the Force show Anakin things he could not possibly be capable of going through with? It was cruel.

"Anakin, this place has proven to be a terrible one." Obi-Wan said gently. "You are not capable of such atrocities. Mortis and perhaps Abeloth herself is trying to get to you."

Anakin swallowed and shook his head vehemently. "No, no in the vision Luke called me 'Darth Vader'." He said quickly, his voice rising. "He said I'd do it all and more... Ben said Darth Vader took Luke's hand! I can't escape my destiny!"

Obi-Wan grabbed Anakin by his shoulders. "Visions lie, Anakin, especially here. Perhaps this 'Darth Vader' does exist but he is not you!" Obi-Wan snapped. "This place is twisting reality and falsehoods together and we have to find a way out. You cannot allow yourself to fall victim to these imaginings." Obi-Wan sighed and softened quickly. "Anakin, you're a good man. You could never hurt us. Whatever you have seen we will figure it out together. But right now Luke needs us. He needs you to help him. That is your destiny."

Anakin still seemed infinitely unsure. But mentioning the need to find Luke seemed to resonate with him. Slowly Anakin nodded and began to get to his feet. Obi-Wan followed suit, but quickly reached out and pulled Anakin into a tight embrace. Anakin stiffened in his hold, completely caught off guard. But Obi-Wan did not let go. It was going to be okay, everyone was going to be okay. Anakin was going to be okay. Anakin had to be okay.

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