Chapter 8. Abeloth

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Ben was pacing and at this rate he would probably pace a rut into the ground. They had come to the throne room where Father and Son had said to stay put. Abeloth was on the move and this was the best place to protect the Jedi from her influence. But Ben was already under her influence. Or at least it felt like. She had his father trapped and was probably killing him. And he could do nothing but be a nervous, useless wreck.

"Ben?" Ahsoka's voice called out gently from where she sat a few feet away with Obi-Wan. "Why don't you sit with us?"

"Sorry, nervous legs." Ben said, taking the hint and coming over to sit beside the younger Jedi.

Ahsoka just smiled. "It's going to be okay. Anakin's gotten all of us out of worse."

"Really?" Ben asked skeptically.

Ahsoka shrugged. "I'll admit, it is a little weird this time around."

Ben snorted. "You can say that again."

A long silenced stretched between them. Then Ahsoka just had to ask. "Is Master Starkiller actually your father?"

Ben cringed. Shot in the foot, just like always. "Since we're all about to die anyways... yes he's actually, biologically my father."

Ahsoka and Obi-Wan both did a double take. Ben shrugged. "Your rules sucked."

Obi-Wan lifted an eyebrow. "Pardon?"

Ben sighed. "I'm sorry, sorry. I only partially mean it."

"You're kidding right?" Ahsoka looked caught between being offended by Ben and amused at Obi-Wan's face.

"I don't kid about this." Ben assured. "It'll be fine. Where Dad and I come from we won't ruin your Jedi Order."

"What are you talking about?" Obi-Wan looked absolutely bamboozled.

Ben bit his lip. "It's a very long story."

Ahsoka glanced between Obi-Wan and Ben and the fact they were literally in a time out enforced by gods. "I think we have time."


Something was hitting his face. No, more like an insistent pat. Luke furrowed his brows and raised an arm to fend off the annoying attacker. Blinking his eyes open Luke found himself bathed in a soft, warm light. Anakin was leaning over him, asking Luke if he was okay. Luke exhaled slowly and started to lift himself up by his elbows. Anakin was quick to offer his support, laying a hand behind Luke's back.

"Take it easy, you really scared everybody." Anakin informed him.

Luke frowned. "I scared everyone?"

Anakin nodded. "Yea, Ahsoka said you had a seizure and then Daughter said it was Abeloth-"

"Where's Ben?" Luke interrupted. "Is he okay?"

"Come on," Anakin took Luke by his arm and helped him to his feet. "Ben's with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, he's a little shaken up."

Luke sighed and nodded, allowing Anakin to help him along until the cold finally left his legs. Anakin was kind enough to not ask any questions as they made their way to the others. By the time they made it Luke was walking on his own. He was glad for it too, he did not want to scare his son anymore than this trip and he himself already had.

Ben was sitting with Obi-Wan and Ahsoka when they arrived. But something was off. Luke took in the whole throne room in an attempt to look for danger. Obi-Wan and Ben approached them.

"You okay?" Ben asked.

"I'm fine, what's happened?" Luke asked, reaching out to put a hand over Ben's shoulder.

Ben shrugged and glanced at Obi-Wan, who looked incredibly concerned. "Might've spilled some beans." Ben admitted.

Luke raised an eyebrow and pulled Ben closer.

"Spilled beans?" Anakin asked. "What does that mean?"

Obi-Wan crossed his arms. "Ben claims he and Luke are from the future."

"Ah, those beans." Anakin said with a nervous laugh.

"Sounds like you knew." Obi-Wan accused.

Anakin sighed. "Look we can talk all about the secret keeping later. Last I checked we're on a whacked out Force planet with a god coming after Luke and I'm not interested in standing around waiting for something to happen. Pretty sure Jedi from the future are the least of our worries right now."

Obi-Wan took a breath, about to argue a point no doubt. But suddenly, as if to emphasize Anakin's concerns a sudden gust of wind blew open the doors to the throne room, a darkness following it.

Luke pulled Ben behind him. He knew that darkness. All too disgustingly well. The Father and his children stepped forward, standing between the Jedi and whatever lurked outside.

"Be on your guard." Father warned. "She will no doubt try to do to you what has already been done to your friend."

The wind rose in pitch, sounding like a whine as a shadow crossed the entrance.

Luke glanced at Ben. "Stay behind me." Ben nodded and held his lightsaber tight.

The Father raised a hand. Lightning flashed, thunder rolled violently and suddenly a figure stood in the doorway.

"I expected a warm welcome." Said a voice, a voice that was beautiful, soft and full of laughter. Nothing that anyone had expected. The figure of a woman in shadow began to approach the gods and Jedi. "After all, I am your children's mother."

"Not after your crimes, Abeloth." The Father spat back. "We tire of your games, of your destruction."

"You fool." Abeloth snapped. "I could have given you everything! We could have ruled the galaxy, could have been loved... but you betrayed me. All of you." Her voice held such pain to it. "All I did was love my family and you abandoned me."

"Mother," Daughter spoke. "Your mind is not yours anymore. Let us help you."

Abeloth scoffed. "Imprison is the word you seek. But how can you? Am I not already there?" She laughed uproariously. And then her laughter died. "You are already dead. My sweet family that abandoned me." Abeloth came into the light. She was a pale human woman with fair yellow hair and black eyes. But there was something off putting to her appearance. As if her skin was not her own. It was hanging off her bones, as if this was not her, but a voice box to speak through.

Luke shuddered as he felt her reach out to him.

"I have a new family in mind." Abeloth stated. "One that will love me in ways you never could. All I have to do... is destroy you."

Father stepped forward suddenly, his raised hand flicked at the wrist. A powerful wave of Force energy blasted into the woman. An instance later she was nothing but ash.

The room was stunned into silence for several long moments.

"That was anticlimactic." Ben was the first to speak. "Is she dead?"

The Father shook his head. "It was merely an avatar. Abeloth is not at full strength or she would have come as she is."

The Son had gone forward, kneeling at the ashes. "If that is true then we must find her before it is too late. We need the dagger."

"A dagger?" Anakin asked incredulously. He gestured outside the open doors, showing the ruined planet. "A dagger is gonna kill whatever that thing is?"

"It is a special weapon." Daughter explained. "It is the only thing that can kill us. Perhaps it can kill her too."

"Well great!" Anakin exclaimed. "Where do you keep it?"

Daughter sighed grimly. "Out there." She pointed weakly out into the destruction of Mortis.

Luke glance between the Jedi and gods. "Abeloth has already played several cards. As a good friend would say, it's time to play ours."

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