Chapter 6. The Void

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For all the horribleness of the past few years and with what was going on now, Ben found himself truly happy. He was getting the chance to know the man his father named him after and he was getting to know his grandfather. The man Luke rarely ever spoke of for understandable reasons. Yes Mortis was getting butchered by an evil entity and the ship was probably eaten by the monster quakes. But Ben liked to look on the bright side of things. It was the only way he knew how to cope with all the people he had lost and all the torment he had endured.

Anakin was fascinated with the future version of his lightsaber. As was his right. Mara Jade-Skywalker had taken such care of the weapon that Ben was certain he would be able to pass it on to one of his children. If not his, maybe Jaina's... if they ever got back home.

Ben glanced over at his father. Luke had drifted off against the wall and looked to be asleep now. Ben was glad. It was not often he saw his father actually sleep. He turned back to Anakin who was praising the preservation of the crystal.

"All things considered I'm surprised it hasn't chipped." Ben laughed. "One time it got crushed by a boulder even. Dunno how it keeps going."

Anakin shook his head, a smile on his face. He opened his mouth as if to tell an elaborate tale, but suddenly the smile was erased for concern, his gaze just over Ben's shoulder. Ben frowned and turned, looking to his sleeping father. Luke had gone pale, sweat breaking out on his face. He shifted slightly in his sleep. Ben bit his lip as Anakin began to move forward.

"He has nightmares." Ben said before Anakin got close enough to touch Luke. "They didn't happen often... but Mom dying made them come back pretty bad."

Anakin frowned. "Shouldn't we wake him up?" He whispered.

Ben hesitated a moment. Luke murmured out a 'no'. "I will." Ben finally decided. The nightmare was not letting up like it usually did after this long. Coming close to his father Ben gently shook his shoulder. "Dad? Dad wake up." Luke's brows were knitted. He had begun to tremble. Ben frowned, he had never seen his father react to a nightmare like that. "Dad?" He said a little louder, shook him a little harder.

Suddenly Luke began to choke. Violently. Ben pulled back in horror as his father struggled for breath. Anakin grabbed Luke and pulled him away from the wall, laying the seizing man on his side. "Ben go get Obi-Wan and Ahsoka, find Daughter." Anakin instructed.

Ben nodded mutely, turning on his heel and fleeing the horrifying scene. He came to the next door down the hall and raised his fist, fully intent to push it down himself if he had to. But the door swung open. Obi-Wan was awake and Ahsoka stood right behind him. Ben was shaking. "It- it's my dad." He said. "I need to find Daughter. Please."

"Ahsoka go to Anakin." Obi-Wan decided immediately. He took Ben by the arm. "What's happened?" He asked as he led Ben further down the hall.

"I don't know!" Ben exclaimed. "One minute he was just sleeping, the next he's choking and he won't wake up and- and-"

Obi-Wan squeezed Ben's arm. "It's going to be okay, young one."

Ben nodded and swallowed hard as he and Obi-Wan broke into a run.


Anakin was hitting Luke's back when Ahsoka burst through the door. "I can't find anything." Anakin reported. He tried to sit Luke up in an effort to help along whatever was blocking his airway.

"Anakin stop!" Ahsoka snapped, gently but firmly she pushed Anakin away from Luke. "He's having a seizure." She said, trying hard to hide her exasperation with Anakin. "We have to let him ride it out." Ahsoka continued as she gingerly loosened and then tossed aside the belt and black obi around Luke's waist. She also made sure his high collar was not hurting him. "Get that pillow." Ahsoka then demanded. Anakin quickly tossed the flat pillow to Ahsoka. She slipped it under Luke's head and scooted back. The man was still seizing and making choked noises. No wonder Anakin mistook the situation.

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