chapter 1

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"fuck, you're tight" shuhua moaned

"oh god shut up, why are you taking so long?" soojin replied breathlessly
"fucking asshole"

"can you just shut up and get fucked?" shuhua blurted out

the floor was cold, but soojin's body exuded heat from every pore, which made shuhua even more frustrated

"please, continue" soojin rolled her eyes, but her frown turned into a grimace and the annoyed smirk on her mouth disappeared, turning into a small 'o' when shuhua tightened her grip on her hips and pushed her fingers into her body

"shit" she groaned, gripping one hand onto shuhua's arm

"don't tell me it hurts, baby" shuhua said

"oh sorry if I- mhh" soojin's nails dug into shuhua's skin as the girl pulled into of her completely

"motherfucker" shuhua cursed, immediately swatting the other's hand away

"you're the one talking" soojin hissed, wrapping a leg around shuhua's waist

"anyway-" she moaned as shuhua pulled out and then slowly pushed into her, fingers tightening around her waist.

"you could have at least warned me, bitch" soojin exhaled

"sorry" shuhua said through gritted teeth, focusing on slowly moving her fingers in and out of the girl
"so what were you saying?" she asked in the most disrespectful tone she could muster

"yeah, um" the blonde bit her lip hard, which didn't help shuhua much, but at least she felt pretty satisfied,
she had left her mortal enemy speechless.
"I was saying.. sorry if I prefer look into your face"
"sure" shuhua replied breathlessly, rolling her eyes
"you want to look at me because you're so madly in love with me"

soojin burst out laughing, which made their bodies vibrate, a rush of shivers went through shuhua's spine, who moaned into the girl's neck

"stop laughing" she ordered her

"why? It was the funniest joke I've ever heard"

"are you going to shut the fuck up while I fuck you?" shuhua protested, thrusting forcefully into her.
she did it on purpose and soojin's body slipped a little on the floor, then she panted on the girl's neck

"thank you" the hint of sarcasm was evident in her tone of voice

"you're welcome"

she pushed her fingers inside her and felt soojin's body becoming less rigid, more responsive and ready to receive every thrust as time passed

"do you like that?" shuhua asked in a softer voice, because in the end she wasn't really a monster

"mhmh" was all she said, then she linked her legs behind shuhua's thighs, so the girl assumed that was enough of an answer

she didn't say anything else and shuhua continued satisfied.
she dug her finger into soojin's thigh, moving faster

soojin tightened around her, making her moan and making her fall.

her chest bumped into soojin's and she ended up panting against her neck, feeling her sweaty skin against her cheek.

soojin's leg ended up between shuhua's and, without thinking too much, she started rubbing herself on it to have some sort of contact too

she moaned gently into her neck, immediately starting to move her hips quickly

soojin's giggle wasn't pleasant at all
"you know" she managed to say between breaths
"if you come first, I'm the one who fucked you" she said

love to hate me -shuhua's pov //sooshuWhere stories live. Discover now