chapter 4

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"motherfucker!" shuhua screamed that morning after looking in the mirror, it was monday, the day after soojin's sunday visit

"fuck," she gasped, moving closer and examining her neck covered in purple bruises

she looked like she had been fucking assaulted or beaten with a baseball bat by someone aiming directly for her neck

she grunted as she approached the closet and began vehemently digging through the drawers

fucking soojin, you bastard, you bastard piece of shit

she had done it on purpose, she was a monster, an animal, she was the devil

she was an evil monster who had slipped into her shower and had probably taken advantage of it to get revenge for whatever had made her angry the previous week

god, what a slut

she found the shirt she was looking for, she didn't even know why she had it, she shook her head vigorously

she would kill soojin at practice


"why do you look like a total imbecile?"

shuhua turned her whole body, she was sitting next to yuqi in the library

"what?" she hoisted
"It's the neck of the sweater, you've never seen one before?"

"yeah.. just not on you" she looked shuhua up and down

"well, it's cold okay?"

"it's not so cold"

shuhua gave her a silent look, she wasn't wearing it by her own free choice, soojin's fucking bites were all over her neck, it wasn't her fault

she didn't care why soojin had come to her house the day before - which was really weird and she would ignore her forever - the only thing that mattered to her was planning in every detail how she was going to fuck her ass (i mean, not litteraly, but still)

"stop looking at me" shuhua said, feeling yuqi's eyes on her

"It's just that.. I can't understand it"

"It's cold, okay? Forget it"

shuhua sighed
"It's okay, you still look like an idiot anyway."

there was the sound of someone closing the shutters on her right
"and this thing will never be forgotten"

shuhua would kill soojin.

after that exchange, the two girls tried to study

shuhua hadn't finished her english homework yet and had some new projects to work on for her other lessons

she would have to review her diary, which was quite full

she had to hand in her math homework the next day and hadn't even started it yet

besides, she had her last shift at the yogurt shop to work

"hey" yuqi said after a couple of minutes of silence
"we haven't been out in a while, I mean outside of school."

there was also another thing

she had put yuqi in the background, compared to practically everything and everyone, even compared to soojin, and she felt terribly guilty

she had so much going on and neglecting her best friend was the last thing she wanted, but it just happened

"i'm so sorry, yuqi" shuhua said sincerely
"I've been really busy lately" she wasn't good with excuses

love to hate me -shuhua's pov //sooshuWhere stories live. Discover now