chapter 5

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when yuqi and shuhua arrived, the party had already begun

the place where it was held was not very far from yuqi's house and, since the brunette had dined at her place, they both got there on foot while sipping a flask of gin to catch up with the already drunk guys, but they were willing to get very drunk as soon as they entered there

the landlady was a girl named rosé, she was part of the cheerleading team and shuhua knew her well

her house was huge and it was a good thing since almost the entire senior class would be attending that party

she knew soojin would probably be there too, but she didn't want to think about it right now, she'd done pretty well not thinking about her for the entire christmas holidays, more or less

shuhua and soojin didn't often go to the same parties because they tended to go out with different groups

they often got together with the girls from the team, but only to have an aperitif for an hour, then everyone went back to their own things

lately she hadn't felt much like partying, she had only been to a few parties and she had no idea if the blonde had gone out with the same people she had been with

however, that evening shuhua was ready to let go and not think about anything

she and yuqi greeted their companions as they entered the house which was already quite full

the kitchen was crowded and they headed towards the table, where they found some alcohol

yuqi grabbed a bottle of vodka, finding some plastic cups somewhere and pouring some into each of them

"happy new year, shu" she said smiling, raising her glass

shuhua giggled and squinted after drinking it all in one gulp, it was something red and it burned like hell

"another one?"

"another one" shuhua agreed

they somehow made it to the living room after two more shots and shuhua spotted yeji and ryujin on the couch

they were smoking, so shuhua made space between them, joining in their chatter

music was pumping loudly in the room, furniture pieces had been moved closer to the wall to create more space for dancing

she managed to see a couple of decidedly indecent couples and was sure that yuqi was one of them, she was already flirting with some girl and it seemed like she was succeeding

yuqi had come out to her when they were little, around the first year of high school and shuhua had obviously supported her right from the start

probably if she wanted to tell anyone about whatever that thing between her and soojin was, yuqi would be the first person to know, but for now she was trying to keep it to herself

"soyeon!" shuhua screamed when she saw the girl enter the room, she looked really good in that loose shirt and those light jeans, it was strange because shuhua had never found her attractive, maybe she was a little drunk

soyeon walked over, meeting a fist bump with shuhua, before hugging her

the brunette groaned and then went to take a shot with her, somehow ending up sitting on her lap

it was a friendly gesture, but it was still pleasant, shuhua loved being sweet, especially when drunk

"I'm usually the one who throws the parties," she said
"come to mine, jisoo and minnie will also be there"

love to hate me -shuhua's pov //sooshuWhere stories live. Discover now