chapter 10

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seo soojin

“did you know that what you just did was pretty illegal?” soojin said to her best friend as the girl got into the car after dropping off some weed at yuqi's house

minnie looked at her lewdly, adjusting the seat belt on the driver's side

"you know, just because I'm nice and sometimes give it to you for free, it doesn't mean you're behaving legally."

the blonde looked at her for a second, thinking
"can I have two joints?"


"shuhua?" duh
"have you ever seen happy shuhua? happy shuhua on drugs is the best thing this world has ever seen, she's like a chipmunk singing christmas carols on a tree naked
do i need to say anything else?"

"you're the worst girlfriend ever" the raven girl shook her head, biting her lip as she drove to soojin's house
"how's it going anyway?" she asked
"how many times have you broken up?"

the girl scoffed
“please… we don't break up, if that were the case, she would have broken up with me twice last night.
arguments don't mean breakups, they're just arguments.
as long as shuhua remembers that she is in love with me and that we will go to university together and she becomes happy again"

"why are you arguing then?" minnie muttered

"because shuhua says I'm too delicate but she doesn't really mean it, and I'm not"

"you talk too fast"

"and did you know that shuhua thinks she's smart when she tries to hide things from me?
as if I didn't find out the moment she starts having something on her mind, I know every one of her facial expressions and when she says 'no, I didn't take your sweatshirt' her eyebrows don't even raise for a second, like they would instead if she was telling me the truth.
she's the worst, I'm serious, I should break up with her just for that" she blinked
"no, I shouldn't"

"of course..." your friend said
"miyeon?" she sighed, trying to change the subject
"I miss her"

"wow, miss sweetie, since when do you miss someone? didn't you see each other yesterday? she's fine anyway, we beat shuhua at FIFA three times in a row, she's really pissed off.
she muttered silently and went to bed without kissing me, she's a bit sour...
did you know that-"

"no, please, soojin"

"did you know that during the summer she trains twice as much as she usually does?" the blonde frowned
"maybe she thinks she won't be fit enough when we start playing for Manchester... shit, I should talk to her about it, we should talk more-"

"okay, soojin, I don't buy this bullshit" minnie interrupted
"what's going on? really"

soojin closed her mouth, giving up
"mom's moving today," she murmured, resting her head on the seat

she had told her she was moving to Cheshire the night before she found out she was joining Manchester and in that moment she felt as if her world had collapsed around her

after spending two years with her parents' constant arguments, she had somehow hoped that they could stay together

it seemed to her that they were less tense and that things would work out, shortly after she discovered that they were going to divorce

then she was forced to tell shuhua that she had been picked up at Manchester University, one of the hardest things she had ever done

being unequivocally and firmly in love with her, it had hurt her to tell her that the team that only took fifteen players a year had been accepted her because she knew it would destroy her dream

love to hate me -shuhua's pov //sooshuWhere stories live. Discover now