chapter 7

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when shuhua woke up, she found a voicemail on her phone

soojin was still sleeping next to her and shuhua could hear her breathing, her sleepy eyes and body heavy with sleep

"yoo!" yuqi's voice said, the message was from last evening

you, shuhua, you dumped me today.
after school you dumped me without saying a word

she seemed very distant, not drunk but problably high

you didn't tell anyone, but you could have told me.
and then you dumped me again with a fucking text?
you're. an. asshole!
I love you but you're a bitch.
and an asshole.
you've been so fucking distant lately, I'm getting high alone in the car and you're an idiot being an idiot somewhere else!
not even your sister knows where you are!

shuhua swallowed, then paused for a moment and could hear a voice or two in the background, yet yuqi had said she was alone

this is our senior year of high school, baby

her voice was softer but still irritated

and you are acting strange, you distance yourself from everyone.
I don't like it, I'm angry with you!
I let it go because I know you hate talking about the shit you're going through, but don't think you don't owe me an explanation!
I will always be there for you, but don't make me feel like you don't appreciate it, shuhua, I don't like it

after that the line went dead

she turned off the phone and immediately felt something tap her cheek

“i’m hungry” soojin mumbled, her voice was sleepy and she had a pillow mark on her left cheek

shuhua laughed at her and turned around, she wasn't in the mood to handle her

she turned on her phone and thought about what to write to her friend, but a message wouldn't have been enough, right?
not even a call would

she had to go there, hug her, apologize and promise to change her attitude, but why did it seem so difficult?

she felt soojin position herself behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist

"I'm serious, soojin"

“wow” soojin said and shuhua could literally feel her raise an eyebrow
"are you really that pissed off?"

shuhua moved away from her, moving her arm
"fuck you"

her voice was cold as ice, but soojin never gave up on shuhua

she moved closer again and her arm fell to her waist once again

"are you hungry?"

shuhua grunted

"what's wrong?" soojin whispered, her lips brushing shuhua's bare shoulder

the brunette wanted to kick her, but she liked feeling soojin so close to her

“yuqi is mad at me,” she murmured, playing with a thread of the pillow cover


shuhua wasn't supposed to say anything to her, but the words fell out of her mouth without thinking

"I'm neglecting her" she whispered, her voice trembled slightly and her throat was dry but no, she wasn't crying, she never does
"I didn't tell her about... you know, so she thinks I'm acting strange and hiding things from her"

"well, you're doing it"

"thank you soojin, really"

"what I mean is...why don't you just tell her?"

love to hate me -shuhua's pov //sooshuWhere stories live. Discover now