Chapter 1

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For a certain yellow scout, this was the worst day he could have asked for. He would say even worse than Tyger Pax. Bumblebee could only watch the horror of his leader getting beaten down and pushed around by the warlord in front of him. With each passing second, another hit would lock with Optimus' body and send him tumbling to the ground in a larger pool of energon. The yellow mech wished he could, but knew he couldn't help in any way. Because he was too busy trying to break Knockout's hold on him. If any of the 'Bots could be honest, this was the last thing they'd expect to happen. Each of them assumed it would be like a regular Wednesday, show up to kick Decepticon skid plate then head back to base. But no, instead all of them are restrained by a member of the Decepticons and forced to watch as one of their own, Optimus Prime in fact, get destroyed by the other faction's leader. The scout didn't dare to let a word out of support or anger like the others, he couldn't risk accidentally slipping and spilling a secret that would make this situation a lot worse if the Decepticons found out. He didn't pay any attention to the screams of his teammates or the mocking of the 'Cons, not even the fact that he could lose the closest mech to him. The uneasy feeling of his spark bond with Optimus growing weaker with each strike was the only thing that Bumblebee could focus on, and it hurt.

Megatron was having the time of his life, he didn't actually think his plan would work. It was hard to trick the Autobots, and even harder to gain such an advantage on them. But here he was now easily making a fool out of the Autobot leader in front of those annoying pests, that make up Optimus' team. The silver bot could tell Optimus was just about done, the red and blue mech could barely sit back up now. Oh how Megatron loved this, every second of it, as his servo snapped in front of him and grabbed the Autobot's throat before throwing him to the ground again and leaning a pede on the others chassis. "Any last words, Optimus Prime?" Megatron cackled.

The Autobot leader only groaned in pain as his optics locked with the petrified ones of Bumblebee. He tried his best to send the young scout a reassuring smile, but it went as well as expected. The sound of a cannon charging up turned his attention back to Megatron. The silver mech had his fusion cannon pointed directly at Optimus' spark chamber.

'Pity," the Decepticon leader hissed.

Every Autobot let out screams of "No!" or "Optimus!" as they tugged hard against the 'Cons holding them captive, all except Bumblebee. 'Bee ripped himself out of Knockout's hold and pushed him away in order to get to his leader.

"Stop him!" Megatron commanded his troops.

Every 'Con who wasn't occupied with the other Autobots attempted to stop 'Bee, but he just pushed through them. Only when the cannon was fully charged were the 'Cons able to catch him. the yellow youngling sank to the ground in their grasp, and without even considering a second thought, he blurted out words that he would quickly come to regret yelling out loud.

::Dad!:: 'Bee screamed, ::Please no!::

At those words the fusion cannon was dropped to Megatron's side and every other bot fell silent and stopped their movement. the yellow mech forced himself out of the 'Con's hold and covered his mouth, which was under his battle mask. He glared hatefully and regretfully towards Megatron, who stared back in shock before it turned to a wicked smile as he turned to Optimus.

"Dad? As in sire? Well, well, well, the great Optimus Prime has a son? That's certainly interesting." he cooed and called his legion of Decepticons back to the Nemesis.

Upon their leave, Bumblebee raced over to Optimus and commed Ratchet, ::Ratchet, we need a bridge, and get the med bay ready, please hurry.:: He helped his father to his feet, being careful not to touch any injuries, just as the other Autobots recovered from their shocked state and made their way over to the two.

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