Chapter 5

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The Autobot's came to a screeching halt, they missed the 'Con's groundbridge. The Decepticons were gone... Bumblebee was gone. Optimus dropped to his knees, coolant forming. Arcee knelt down to comfort him, "It's okay, we'll get him back, one way or another."


'Bee onlined his optics, he had no idea how long he'd been out. He turned his helm to the right and then down when he realised his servos were bound together. He fiddled a bit, trying to loosen the cuffs. Slight movement in the corner of his optic made his helm snap to the left and the scout visibly jumped when he came face plate to face plate with Megatron.

::Um... hi..? Can I help you?:: 'Bee hesitantly beeped, crawling backwards slowly. Megatron just stared, not even attempting to say anything. ::Okay then,:: the yellow bot shrugged and went back to loosening his bonds.  

"What's it like to be my son Bumblebee," the silver bot suddenly said.

::Excuse me?:: 'Bee snapped, ::I've literally known for like three days now. And in those three days, not once have you even acted the slightest like a caretaker. I'd also like to add, for my entire life cycle all you've done was torture me. So really I don't know, but if you really want an answer, I can sum it up into one word. Hell.:: He hissed. 

"Lets change that," Megatron replied.

::How?:: the scout asked.

Megatron took a step towards 'Bee, "you are allowed to freely walk these halls and I have made sure no Decepticon will attack you."

::That's it? I get to walk around a ship? I mean it's better than being stuck in a cell I suppose.::

"You're still an Autobot, we cannot give you full free will."

:: Fair point. But what about the cuffs?::

"Those have to stay on, at least until we can give you our full trust."

::Okay I guess,:: Bumblebee said.

"Good, now shall we?" Megatron asked, gesturing to the door.

'Bee got up and walked over to Megatron. He looked a little nervous, he may be Megatron's son, but Deception is in their name for a reason. He followed the warlord through the halls, noting everything to the last detail. His unofficial-official plan was to gain the Con's trust enough for them to remove the bonds holding his servos together, and then escape unsuspected. They finally made it to the bridge, he was honestly stunned at how the Decepticons can keep things so organised, and they had a pretty cool ship. 

"Jealous? I bet the Autobot's base could never," Someone mocked from behind him.

The yellow mech didn't even need to turn around to know who just asked, ::Actually Starscream, I'm not jealous, just stunned that you manage to keep this ship so clean.:: He turned to face the seeker.

"You can thank Soundwave for that, whenever he's not on monitors, he's off cleaning this place up," Starscream said.

"Bumblebee!" Megatron barked, "Would you like to know what we Decepticons do in our free time?" The silver mech said.

::Sure:: Bumblebee smiled at Megatron then turned to Starscream, who looked shocked, he smirked.

"Lord Megatron, you aren't going to show him the files are you?" the seeker asked.

"Not all of them, why?" the warlord replied.

"My liege, he is an Autobot. You're gonna give him valuable information!" Starscream squawked. 

::What's wrong Screamer? Jealous?:: Bumblebee mocked in return. 

Starscream growled, "Don't call me that!"

::I can call you whatever I want:: 'Bee smirked, he loved making a fool out of Starscream. 

"You're in no position to mock me, with those cuffs holding you back, I could easily kick your aft." The seeker threatened.

:: Oh please, cuffs or not your skid plate is getting handed to you in less then a minute,:: 'Bee snickered.

"That's it!" Starscream screamed as he pounced at Bumblebee. 

'Bee dodged and elbowed Starscream in the face plate. Starscream stumbled back, when he got through his daze he fired a missile at 'Bee, who jumped out of the way. Starscream growled and grabbed Bumblebee when he was close enough. He brought his claws to the light and swung them at the yellow scout. Bumblebee quickly threw his arms infront of him. The sound of metal screeched, and as soon as Starscream  let go, 'Bee kicked him in the chassis. The seeker yelped and turned around just in time to duck when a pair of broken cuffs were thrown his way. Starscream tried to claw 'Bee again, but the scout ducked and wiped Starscream off his pedes. The seeker screamed as he hit the floor, Bumblebee rested  his own pede on the other's chassis, and aimed his gun at Starscream. 

::Done?:: The yellow bot asked.

"Yes," Starscream sighed. He couldn't believe he lost to an insolent Autobot. 

"Good now that you two are done with that, Starscream, Knockout requires you in the med bay." Megatron said.

Starscream got up and walked out, he growled at every bot who looked at him. Those who didn't know asked him what happened between him and Megatron. Starscream only rolled his optics.

As the seeker left the bridge, Megatron walked up beside Bumblebee, the two watching Starscream scurry away. 

"You and I are going to get along wonderfully," Megatron told 'Bee.

::We'll see,:: Bumblebee smirked up at the silver bot. 


"What's the plan Prime?" Arcee asked.

"We are finding thier ship and storming it," Optimus growled.

No one has ever seen their leader this mad and for this long. Megatron definitely screwed up, badly. 

"I still can't believe any of this," Miko mumbled. 

"What?" Jack asked.

"The whole Optimus, Megatron and 'Bee being related thing," Miko said. 

"Make's perfect sense to me in a way, I just hope 'Bee's okay"Raf piped up, the poor kid looked upset.

"Don't worry Raf, we'll get him back," Miko comforted.

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