Chapter 7

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Megatron turned around, getting the sight of four unimpressed Autobots standing on a nearby cliff. Bumblebee was shaking off to the side, though Megatron didn't know why.  His optics trailed over to Optimus, whose own optics were glaring into the warlord's processor. Optimus' quickly shifted his gaze to 'Bee, and grew a gentle smile.

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" The red and blue bot asked kindly.

Bumblebee stopped shaking, why was he shaking in the first place? A question even he couldn't answer. ::I'm okay, and no he didn't hurt me. Megatron was just telling me about the past.:: 

"I see," Optimus gained a formal, more serious composure and locked optics with Megatron, who seemed to be inching towards Bumblebee. "How dare you kidnap my son away from me!" he growled.

"Oh like how you took him away from me!" Megatron snapped back. 

"I had every right too!" Optimus snarled. 

"You most certainly did not!" 

"Is the-" 

::Nope! Both of you stop talking.:: Bumblebee hissed, shutting them both up and every optic turning to 'Bee. 

::I appreciate the love, but honestly stop. First the war and now this, it's getting quite annoying, and I know I'm not the only one who thinks that.::

Optimus turned his gaze to the Autobots beside him. They turned away and Bulkhead whistled, each avoiding contact with their leader. 

"Fine, Bumblebee do you have anything in mind?" Megatron sighed.  

::I was just making a point, that part is for you two to decide,:: the scout told them before he crossed his arms and slightly turned away. ::Without trying to kill each other!:: He quickly added. 

Optimus to a step forward and slid down the cliff, with the others following behind him.  

"What if we make a truce?" Megatron asked.

"Agreed," the Prime nodded. 

"Considering Bumblebee is our sparkling, he shouldn't be involved with our insolence." 

"Wait, so 'Bee gets it easy, but the rest of us don't?!" Smokescreen cut in.

"The rookie makes a point Prime, any other bright ideas?" Megatron asked.

Optimus thought about it, he never actually considered that this conversation would ever happen. "Maybe we could...I don't know."

Bumblebee tried his best to hold in a laugh, he had never seen Optimus so puzzled in his entire life, and it was hilarious. 'Bee's attention was rotated to a cry from over the cliff, though nothing was visible. He stared at the spot it came from and tilted his helm in question, that cry sounded way too familiar. Something like a mix of buzzing laughing and screaming, perhaps the Insecticons? But then where was Airachnid? A web twisted around his pede and dragged him away from the others. 'Well there's my answer,' Bumblebee thought as he fell face plate first into the dirt. His vision flickered over to his Teammates and Megatron, who hadn't even noticed. The scout's optics fell half-lidded and he rested his helm on one of his arms and crossed the other.

::Um guys, I think Airachnid and the Insecticons are nearby.:: He said blandly.

"What makes you say that?" They all questioned.

::Oh, just a hunch.:: The yellow mech glanced back at the trail he's made from being dragged.

The rest finally took notice, "Scrap!"

Arcee growls, as she brings out her blades and cuts the web attached to her friend's pede, "what are you doing here Airachnid?" She screamed.

Airachnis peaked over the cliff when she felt the web get lighter, her smirk grew wider when she saw Arcee standing in front, "Arcee, it's lovley to see you, but unfortunately I'm not here for you today." she announced.

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