Chapter 6

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A cool breeze brushed against his plating as he sat in his temporary 'room,' the cell he woke up in. There wasn't anything special, just a berth, other than that it was a plain room, with purple walls and flooring. This was the only place where he was trusted without cuffs. The echoing of each Decepticon talking about Starscream getting humiliated by him in front of Megatron seemed to be just outside the door, coincidence? Probably. 'Bee sat on the berth, patiently waiting for someone to interrupt his little train of thoughts. Sure enough Megatron walks in a couple minutes later. 

::Hey, what's up?:: 'Bee casually asked.

"I want to tell you my side of the story," the silver bot told him.

::What do you mean?:: 

"You want to know what truly happened the day the Autobots took you?"


"I'm your answer."

::Didn't Ratchet erase your memory though?:: Bumblebee asked, sceptically. 

"He did, but being with you seems to bring it back."

::Alright I'm listening, the floor is yours.::

"Not here, we should go somewhere different."


"Would outside work for you?" 

::Yeah, sure:: Megatron could see the excitement boiling in Bumblebee. Guess being cooped up in a ship can do that to a bot. 

"Excellent, Soundwave!" Megatron barked towards the door where the silent mech was standing. 

Soundwave wasted no time getting the groundbridge ready. 


"Decepticons are at another mine," Ratchet spoke, dismissing the alarm going off around the base. 

"Autobots!" Optimus ordered. He didn't even get a chance to give his full catchphrase before they were all transformed, engines starting.

When they got to the other side, they couldn't help but notice a purple ship hovering above the energon mine.

"Is today our lucky day or what?" Smokescreen commented. 

"Bulkhead, Smokescreen secure the mine, Arcee, you're with me."  Optimus commanded.

Bulkhead and Smokescreen took off towards the mine, leaving Arcee and Optimus to the Nemesis.

The two of them stared at the hovering Nemesis, "let's waste no time," Arcee said.

"Agreed," Optimus added.

They were about to take off when Smokescreen called their names. Arcee turned to Smokescreen and Bulkhead, who were quickly making their way towards the pair. 

"That was fast, how many Cons?" Arcee asked.

"Not many, just a couple Vehicons," Bulkhead replied.

 Arcee nodded, before Optimus told them they needed to act fast before the warship had a chance at leaving. The four of them moved to the warship, being mindful of the guards at the top. Easily taking them out, each jumped into the Nemesis before anything else happened.

"Remember stealth is the key," Arcee stated, harshly glaring at Smokescreen and Bulkhead.

"What?" Smokescreen asked.

The two wheeler rolled her optics, and took off after Optimus with the other two following.


Megatron stared at the Jasper desert in front of him, the rocks that made the place into a small canyon, no wonder the Autobots like this scenery so much. His son walked up beside him, letting the sun hit his plating and acting like he hasn't had a breath of air in years. The warlord couldn't help but smile at this, this is the life he was hoping for. 

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