Chapter 4

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Bumblebee sat on the ledge staring off into the distance. His pedes were dangling off the edge, swinging on beat with his thoughts. He wanted to break down, scream for as long as his broken voice would let him. 'Bee grabbed another pebble beside him and threw it over the ledge. Coolant was threatening to escape his optics. His processor felt like it was going to overload. 'Wouldn't that be nice? Maybe it will crash and the pain can finally go away' he thought. 'Bee scooted closer to the ledge, his servos gripping the rock keeping him on solid ground. He peeked over, staring at the ground a dozen feet below him,'never realised how high this was'  he let out a nervous chuckle at the idea and threw himself away from the ledge, now sitting crisscross a foot away from the drop. Bumblebee fiddled with his servos, first a little twirl and now having a full on thumb war by himself. he was so stuck in his own helm to realise a very familiar looking purple drone that flew by. 

Soundwave knew that the yellow bug on the ledge was not the same one who slayed Decepticon sparks like they didn't exist back on Cybertron. Nope not even close, this one looked like it wouldn't hurt a fly, then again he may have to second that. The yellow scout was now punching the ground and throwing rocks all over the ledge before dropping in an exhausted fit. How one could change emotion quickly, Soundwave may never know. He deployed Laserbeak and returned to the ship, making sure she knew her task first. When he was back in the control, he caught a glimpse of his master doing things he'd probably never do again. 

"Soundwave there you are! You had me worried for a second when you didn't report in," Megatron said, rather nicely. "I trust everthing went well?" he asked.

The silent mech nodded and turned to the computer screen, displaying the live feed Laserbeak is currently filming.    

Megatron smiled at the sight of his son staring at the damage he had managed to cause. If only Megatron was aware of the fear coming from every other bot as his smile grew from heartwarming to evil. He slightly nods in Soundwaves direction, who opens a groundbridge.


Bumblebee, now laying helplessly on the ground staring up at the sky, watching the clouds and occasional birds go by. At least he was until he got a comm from Bulkhead, "Bumblebee, don't forget we have to pick up the kids in an hour."

Bumblebee sat back up, ::Yeah got it Bulk, be there soon.:: He ended his comm, but he couldn't leave without doing something that wasn't throwing pebbles all over the place. He stared at the view his spot had given him and screamed as loud as his voice box could let him.

::This is all your fault Optimus, I hate you!:: He regretted those words the second came out of his intake, sure he was mad but hate is a strong word... right?

"I couldn't agree more scout," A dark voice came from behind him. 

'Bee froze, this was not happening, just when he thought this day could finally be over and he could play games with Raf and be anti-social towards Optimus, Megatron had to show up. He slowly turned around, Megatron was in front, with Shockwave, Knockout and Soundwave behind him and of course the Vehicons. Some had their blaster pointed at him, others just stood there looking oblivious or thrilled. The yellow bot took a step backwards, he knew his options were limited, the ledge was right behind him and the Decepticons were right in front of him. So he could either call the other Autobots and hope they get here in time, go with whatever Megatron has planned which he believes is quite obvious, or jump. Yeah, there was no way he would do Megatron's thing and an even bigger no to jumping.  

::Bulkhead? Are you still at base?:: "Bee asked hoping his friend would answer.

"Yeah 'Bee, what's up?" He got as a response.

::I have a small situation, 'Cons just showed up...:: he trailed off to see if Bulkhead would say something.

"Oh my Primus 'Bee! Did they hurt you?" He asked.

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