Chapter 3

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"I still don't get it." Starscream muttered, as he left the bridge with Knockout. 

"Are you an actual idiot? He explained like five times already," the red speedster practically yelled. "You have to lead the Decepticons and distract the Autobots, while lord Megatron and Shockwave grab Bumblebee."

"I know Knockout, but this is the first time lord Megatron has ever trusted me in charge of the Decepticons, at least while he's still properly functioning." The seeker snickered.

Knockout didn't know is Starscream was bragging or if he was generally surprised, probably both. "First, he has never put you incharge whenever he is 'out,' you always took over. And second, he's probably desperate Starscream, get over it."   

That was all they said, before they roamed the halls of the Nemesis silently. 


"I can't believe you, you fragging glitch!" A scout yelled at his father.

"Bumblebee please calm down. It's my fault yes, but you have to understand that I had no idea how to tell you." The Prime replied, rather calmly.

"But you had no problem telling  Ratchet after you took me from Megatron!" 'Bee snapped back.  

"Bumblebee I-" Optimus tried but was quickly interrupted by a gentle slap to the face plate, but enough to make his helm snap to the side. Everyone except Bumblebee gasped.

"Just shut up okay? I'm going for a drive, I'll be back later." And with that the yellow scout transformed and sped out of the base.

Optimus stared at the spot his son originally stood and sighed. He and Bumblebee didn't have the best relationship with each other, but that didn't stop them from loving each other. Optimus would lay down his life for the yellow mech and he knew 'Bee would do the same, granted they would do that for any bot but still. Their relationship was always creating a wave between the two, one second they were close the next, Bumblebee would be at his throat. Whenever that happened the red and blue Prime was always reminded of Megatron, and their time together before the  war. 'Bee and Megatron shared a similarity to lash out unexpectedly and sometimes for random reasons. He didn't want to admit it fully, but that was one of his favourite things when it came to the scout.   

"Optimus whatever he says, it's not your fault, you didn't know what to do. He's just being stubborn," Ratchet stepped forward, he hated seeing Optimus troubled.

"It's best to ignore it till he gets back," he spoke, running his servo over his cheek where he was slapped. The red and blue Prime thought back to the time when Bumblebee found out he was his dad, the yellow scout was more understanding back then, and Optimus knew it was easier to find out your related to your faction's leader than to find out your related to the other faction's leader.  


Optimus was easily taking down the Decepticons who attempted to protect their leader, he was not going to lose another relic Megatron. The other 'Bots were close behind dealing with their own issues. He finally finished the last of the 'Cons in his way, and attacked the warlord. 

"Megatron, give me the relic," Optimus ordered.

"Not this time Prime, this relic is of Decepticon origin, so I don't think so," Megatron replied   coldly, as he brought out his blade. 

Optimus copied his move and the two ran at each other. The screeching of metal clashing against each other echoed across the cave. Megatron forced Optimus back, who slid on his pedes to stop. He quickly switched his blades for his guns and fired at Megatron, who in turn dodged, until he was hit. The silver bot went flying backwards but managed to land on his pedes and stumbled a little. That was enough time for the Autobot leader to come in and repeatedly punch Megatron in the face plate. The warlord growled and tried to stab his opponent, Optimus grunted when the blade went through his shoulder, but he pushed through the pain and kicked Megatron across the chassis, the relic fell out of his hands and beside Optimus. 

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