Chapter 9

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Insecticon after Insecticon fell to the rocky floor as gun shots echoed through the cave walls and blades sliced the steady air stream. Optimus followed the trail of offlined bots to the rest of his team, he didn't know when or how he got separated from his followers but it happened.

"How's it going over there?" Bulkhead asked in Ratchets direction.

"I'm going as fast as I can, but these files aren't organised properly," the medic called back.

"Hurry up!" Smokescreen begged as he hit another bug with his gun.

"Do you want to do this?!" Ratchet screamed, as he kicked off another Insecticon.

"No, not really."

"Then I suggest you keep your mouth shut and let me do my job!" Ratchet snapped.

And with that, Smokescreen's mouth was sealed. 

This continued until Ratchet had finally found what they were looking for. "Found it!" For once he was filled with something he could not understand as his optics scanned the notes. "What?" he had to admit that his confusion had never reached this level. 


Bumblebee had resorted to twiddling his thumbs while waiting, to say he was bored was an understatement. If he was honest, sitting still was his worst skill. Since the other Autobots left, the most eventful thing to happen was Raf completing his homework. 'Bee felt like if he sat on this berth for any longer, his systems would fry to a crisp. Though he didn't have much of a choice, Ratchet and Optimus confined him to it, with the threat of more than just a simple grounding or a chewing out by them if he dared get up off the berth he was on. He figured it was for his own protection, but that didn't scare him as much as what Optimus said he'd add to the punishment if Bumblebee followed them. And right now, Bumblebee really didn't feel like facing Optimus and Megatron just because he followed them and left the base. The worst part though, is the Autobots asked the human children to watch his every move and inform them of every single thing he did in detail when they got back. 

His antsy fidgeting was enough to get him to fall off the berth, much to his dismay and the kids' enjoyment. He made a mental note not to be in the room when they told the other Autobots about this part.    


Megatron was not impressed to have to go an extra length just to keep Airachnid distracted. He wondered how the Autobots can sneak through his ship with ease but get caught due to a tiny alarm. The second the alarm went off, Megatron's expression fell from manipulative to why. 

Now that he thought about it distracting isn't a good word to describe his efforts at keeping the spider bot out of her little hide-out while the Autobots find evidence. The second Airachnid turned around to find the commotion, Megatron pounced on her. So now here he was, fighting like an idiot to pin the femme to the ground. He had to give her credit though, she was pretty strong.

"Soundwave, make sure she stays outside, I'm going to go see how the Autobots are doing," he told his third in command.

The warlord got off of Airachnid and headed for the cave, aware of the spider femme shrieking after Soundwave stopped her from following. "Prime!" He barked when he saw the Autobots, "what happened?"

"We were unaware of the alarm placed in the lab," Optimus told him. 

Megatron sighed and nodded uncertainly, he was about to speak up when someone else called his designation.

"Megatron!" That was their medic.

The silver mech turned to Ratchet, "Yes?"

"I'm gonna need Shockwave's help, these files she has makes no sense." Ratchet said.

Understood," He replied and commed Shochwave, "The Autobot medic needs your help Shockwave."

"Understood my liege, I'll be there soon." Was the response he got. 

Sure enough, Shockwave did not disappoint, he was there within minutes, "What seems to be the issue?"

Ratchet turned to Shockwave, "None of this makes any sense, how does fusing Bumblebee's energon with a perished spark and some of her venom create a portal to another alternate universe?" Ratchet scrambled to say as his optics reread the same notes for the hundredth time.

"It can't," Shockwave informed.

"Exactly, so how does she expect to carry this whole thing out when none of this can actually happen?" The medic inquired.

"It is quite simple actually," A feminine voice came from behind them.  

They all turned to see Airachnid standind just a few feet away with an offline Vehicon in her servo. She tossed the lifeless frame to the side, a grin plastered on her face.

Megatron really didn't want to know what happened to Soundwave, Starscream and the rest of his troops.  

She pounced at the closest bot to her, Optimus. And it was easy to tell that he was not ready for that to happen. They fought each other, throwing punches at one another while the others just watched.  That was until a couple quick swipes on Airachnid's part had the Prime on the ground in pain. 

Megatron was the first to recover quickly springing into action, though he didn't know why. Unfortunately for him, he would quickly realise this was a bad idea.  


Bumblebee had been laying down, helplessly waiting for a word from the others, his boredom had gotten him to count the cracks and the dents that decorated the rock walls of the base. His comm. sprang to life, disturbing his counting, though he wasn't mad.

::Hello...?:: His voice sounded dead.

"'Bee! Optimus and Megatron are down!" Arcee's voice rang through the comm.

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