Chapter 1

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 Leanna's POV:

 "Here's your order, sir." I said, handing an elderly man a coffee. 

 "Thank you, ma'am. Have a nice day." he smiled and left the shop.

 "So, as I was saying-" my friend, Sarah began. I sighed as I listened to her. She was a great friend. She was very optimistic and talkative. "My cousin's party is at the skating arena at 4:30. Will you be coming? He was really hoping you would.~"

 "Sarah, you know I don't have time for parties. Besides, today I have the evening shift, which usually starts around 4:30. And, in regards to the fact Sam likes me, I don't like him that way. You know that. Besides, I think Avery likes him. And, honestly, I somehow think he likes her. He just doesn't realize it yet." I stated. 

 Sarah sighed and nodded. "Ok, fine...Are you sure, though, that work is the only reason you can't come? You can always ask the boss to give the evening shift to someone else."

 "I-I'm sure...." I said in a quiet tone. Sarah raised an eyebrow. "Ok, fine! But you know I can't skate."

 "Correction, you won't skate. Why can't you just get up and try again?"

 "Because I can't!" I exclaimed. Sarah was taken aback by my sudden change in tone. I sighed. I felt like I was on the verge of tears. "The doctor said I wouldn't skate again. And, honestly, I think he was right...I just can't get myself to put on another pair of skates...You don't know what it was like for me! Skating was my life, Sarah..."

 Sarah frowned, probably feeling sorry for me. She hugged me tight. "I'm sorry, Le...I know it must've been really hard for you...But, I know's possible for you to skate again. I know you can do it! You say you can't, but, I know you can. My brother, Alex, he was a real good basketball player. He was gonna go pro! It was his dream. But he was in a bad accident and was left paralyzed. The doctor said he'd never play again. But, he was determined enough to try and keep going. He picked himself up and kept on going. And now, the name Alex Donavan is famous! Alex went pro in basketball." 

 I frowned. Was she right...? Could I still skate...? I shook it off and turned away from her. "I have another customer.." Sarah seemed a little hurt, but nodded, going back to her counter.

 The café closed early. The boss' daughter was having her baby. I knew I could possibly go to the party, but I just couldn't bring myself to go...So, I just wandered around the town.

 It was a cold, winter evening. I loved winter time. It was beautiful, and, honestly, warm and romantic. I loved the idea of snuggling up on the couch, under a soft, warm blanket, beside that special someone, in front of the fire, with a warm cup of cocoa and a plate of cookies. I stopped walking in front of a pond that had frozen over. I sat down on a bench and took out my sketchbook. Drawing was a hobby of mine I picked up after I quit skating. I will not be becoming an artist, but, sometimes, drawing was satisfying for me.

 Weston's POV:

 "I'm going for a walk.." I mumbled. I had had an argument with my friend and Alpha, Ray. 

 "Fine. Whatever." he said, walking away.

 I sighed, getting up and getting my coat. I was supposed to have dinner with him and his mate, Myla, but I don't think he wants me to anymore. 

 "Weston? What's going on? Where are you going? And where's Ray?" Myla asked, coming into the room, a confused look on her face. She was an attractive, kind woman with blond hair and blue-green eyes. 

 "I don't know where Ray is, but I got to get going. Thank you for having me over, Myla." I thanked her, giving her a smile. She frowned, but nodded as she watched me leave the house.

 I walked in the brisk, late afternoon air. It was currently 4:45. Evening was coming soon. I liked evenings. The colors of the sky as the sun sets just really makes it beautiful. I often pictured myself sitting out on the porch with my mate, my arm around her, as we watched the sun set. 

 Unfortunately, I don't have a mate. My mate rejected me. So, I guess I'm just meant to be alone. Kelly, my mate, is doing real well. She's now married and expecting her first child. We've kept in contact sort of. We don't talk all that often. She said she wanted to be friends when she rejected me. I told her I understood and I was ok with it. But really, I wasn't. 

 I walked for a few minutes till I came to a bench in front of a pond. A young woman was sitting on it, drawing in a sketchbook. I could sense she was human. Normally, I'd stay away from humans, but right now, I just wanted some company. I walked over to her and cleared my throat. She jumped, looking up at me, startled.

 "Is this seat taken?" I asked gently.

 "Oh! N-no! Go ahead," she said quickly, moving her purse and bag.

 I nodded, giving her a smile as I sat down beside her. I peaked at her drawing. Honestly I couldn't help doing so..."That's a great drawing. Are you an artist?" I asked the girl.

 "Me? Oh, no. Drawing is just a hobby of mine. I'm a waitress at the café nearby."

 "I see. How are the drinks and things?" I asked.

 "I guess they're good. I haven't actually had any myself. People seem to like it though." she responded.

 "Maybe I'll check it out." I replied with a smile. 

 She nodded. "Well, I'll keep an eye out for you." She smiled.

 The girl and I talked a while before she said she should be getting home. I nodded, saying I should probably leave too. We bid one another goodbye and left. I walked home with a smile, thinking about the nice conversation I had with her. I never realized I had forgotten to ask her name. But, I didn't think I'd ever see her again. So, I guess it didn't matter much.

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