Chapter 4

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 Leanna's POV:

 Sarah and I were on our day off. We walked through the town, just talking and laughing, holding cups of hot chocolate in our gloved hands. Sarah was a really good friend. I wish I'd met her back when I still skated. I mean, she was really pushy and stubborn, but, that's one thing I liked about her. Sometimes.

 "So, I wanted to invite you to my birthday party next month. Will you come? I promise, it isn't at a skating rink." 

 I gave a small smile. That was good....I guess..."Sure, Sarah. I don't really have much going on. I'll be there." 

 "Great! Oh, and, my parents will probably still insist I send you an invitation, so you'll get one. It'll have all the info on it." I nodded in reply.

 Her parents were great people, but they could be firm. They could really be pushy at times. Not too pushy though. I liked them. They were really nice.

"So, I do have something to tell you.." Sarah said, her tone going quiet. I frowned. She seemed serious, and, kinda sad.

 "What is it?" I asked. Now that I think about it, I guess there was something sad in her eyes all day. 

 "I talked to Brad and...I told him how I felt..." her tone was quiet. I looked at her and could see tears in her eyes. Brad was a boy she liked for a while now. He was handsome, charming, romantic...He was like a prince charming, according to Sarah. He was popular in school and all the girls flocked to him. 

 "He rejected you, didn't he?" I asked softly, as we stopped walking.

 She nodded, tears rolling down her cheeks as she began to sob. "I just...I just thought I had a chance...He was everything I liked in a man..." I frowned sadly, hugging her tightly, comforting her. Her crush on him was big. "I thought he liked me at one point...I thought we could be together someday..."

I wasn't quite sure what to say. All my old friends' crushes actually did like them back, and they actually confessed before my friends did. And, I never had a crush before.

 "It's ok, Sarah...It's alright...It's Brad's loss. He's missing out on one amazing girl. He doesn't know how great you really are. And if he isn't willing to give you a chance, then who cares? This just means that he wasn't the one. One day, you'll meet your soulmate. And he's going to be 100 times better than Brad." I told her, looking at her as I held her shoulders.

 "Do you really believe that...?" Sarah asked, wiping her eyes. "Do you really believe I have someone...? A soulmate...?"

 "I do. And besides, you were the one who got me believing it." I chuckled. It's true. She's always believed in soulmates and the fact that there is a man out there for every woman. "Your man will come when you least expect him. He'll come and you'll be so happy hanging out with him you'll forget all about me."

 "No! I could never forget about you, Le! Even if I do find my love....I'll always have time for you. I'll always remember you." she declared firmly. 

 "Same goes for me, Sarah," I smiled and put my arm around her as we continued walking.

 Weston's POV:

 Grady and I were at the park. I had been expecting him to go play with the kids that were always there. They were too, apparently. 

 "Gamma Grady, come play tag with us!" a little boy, Rowan, exclaimed, he and his sister running up to us.

 "I have some work to do right now. I'll play another time with you all, alright?" Grady smiled at them.

 "Aww....Ok..." Rowan and Riana, his sister, sighed, going back to their friends. 

 I glanced over at Grady, who was already sitting down on a bench.

 "Is it me, or is Grady acting weird?" Ray asked, coming up behind me. He had decided to come with us. Actually Myla kinda booted him out of the house, saying he needed some sunshine.

 "I don't think it's you." I stated, frowning a little. Grady is always ready to play with the kids. Especially when Riana and Rowan ask him. Usually, when he's feeling down, they can bring his smile out. This time, however, he refused them.

 Ray and I walked over and sat down beside Grady. "Didn't feel like playing?" Ray asked him.

 "Well...We have work to do...If I expect to get it done, I best do it." Grady responded, not looking up. Ray and I looked at each other. He and I could tell something was bugging him. But knew he wasn't going to tell us. He was pretty good at hiding his feelings. That's another thing about Grady. He never liked to show his feelings.

 "Oh, we know, Grady. But, you usually like to go play with the kids and have a good time." I replied.

 "Well, you never do. I should probably start doing the same."

 His answer startled me. What in the wide world-? Was he starting to feel self-conscious or something? Grady, as far as I know, has never had any problems with self doubt. So, if he's feeling it now, there must be something causing it. But what...?

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