Chapter 21

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It had been nearly a month since Courtney had found out the truth about her father and while she'd forgiven Pat relatively quickly, things between her and her mother were still pretty tense, but Barb had decided that it was time that they finally talked this out.

"Mom, what are you doing in my room?" Courtney asked when she saw her mom enter her room.

"It's time we talked Courtney." Barbara said.

"You've had 15 years to talk and you didn't." Courtney reminded her.

"I know and I was wrong to keep the truth from you." Barbara said.

"You could've at least told me dad died in a car accident or something so that I could've at least been able to grieve for him. But instead you lied to me and let me think that he just abandoned me. I spent years hating him when I should've been mourning him." Courtney told her angrily.

"You're right. But Courtney, I was scared. I was afraid that you'd end up going down the same path as your father and grandfather, since this life got both of them killed and I didn't want to lose you too." Barbara said.

"Mom, I get that, but I still don't understand why you let me hate dad for so long?" Courtney asked.

"I thought that it might prevent you from bonding with the staff, since I knew that it would come back into our lives eventually." Barbara said.

"Do you ever miss your dad?" Courtney asked.

"Every day." Barbara said.

"But at least you knew what happened to him. You got to grieve for your father, but you wouldn't let me do that." Courtney said.

"I know and that was wrong." Barbara said.

"Mom, I can understand why you kept dad being Starman secret from me, hell if I have kids, I'm making the same call, but at the same time, what I can't understand is why you thought letting me think he abandoned me was better than telling me he was dead. Especially because for the past 10 years, I've been holding out hope that he might come back." Courtney told her mom.

"I thought it was the right thing to do at the time, but it clearly wasn't and Courtney, I am so sorry, but you have to understand, I didn't want you in this life. It got my father and my husband killed and I didn't want to lose you too, so in my mind, trying to get you to distance yourself from your father was the best thing I could do to protect you, though clearly I went about it the wrong way." Barbara said and seeing how miserable her mom looked Courtney sighed, since she knew what she needed to do.

"Mom, I forgive you. I get that you were doing what you thought was best for me." Courtney said and Barbara smiled.

"Thank you Courtney." Barbara said.

"I forgive you, but I don't trust you anymore and I'm not sure if our relationship will ever be what it was." Courtney said.

"I understand Courtney. I get that I lost your trust and I hope that you'll give me a chance to earn it back." Barbara said.

"Just don't make me regret it." Courtney said as she held out her hand and suddenly the staff flew out of her closet and into her hand.

"What are you doing?" Barbara asked.

"I need to spend some time alone to think and the best way for me to do that is to go flying." Courtney said as she opened her window and let Cosmo suit her up, just in case anyone happened to see her.

"I still don't approve of how much skin that suit shows." Barbara said.

"Hey, blame dad and Cosmo. I didn't design this suit." Courtney reminded her as Cosmo hummed affectionately.

"Just be back before dinner." Barbara said, happy that she was at least beginning to mend her relationship with Courtney.

"I will." Courtney said as she let Cosmo fly her out of the house, unaware of what they were heading into.

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