Hopes of a Happy Ending ||| Part 4

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     Light has already given me the tour of the kingdom and the rumors were mentioned, but it was different. When I got the attention of the Yellow Steve, instead of just running away from me his face turned an orangey coral color. I got a little confused and I think light did too, but he still mentioned the rumors. But the weird thing is that he didn't actually say what they were about, which isn't what normally happens. But oh well, at least I can go and see Time and Elemental. Also hey Shadow can you still hear me? I wait a few seconds for a response but I- "Ya I'm here? I'm not actually sure where I am, but I can still talk to you in a weird way." Ok good, now let's go to see Time and Elemental.
     Here's the portal to the inbetween. Time, hehe time, to go and visit those two!
     I ride into the portal on the horse I just realized I'm still on. And— "HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!" "Hello to you too Elemental!" :) He just stares at me dumbfounded before becoming very agitated. "Your face would be so punch-able if it wasn't so ugly, now leave." Time looks frantically between the two of us before he starts to apologize profusely. "Oh my goodness, Elemental apologize! Sabre I'm so, so, so sorry!" Elemental turns his hateful gaze away from me. "But he still is infected and just obliterated an entire army, he needs to leave!" "But he's not infected anymore! And he saved the entire kingdom, so what would it have mattered anyways? Also you made him cry, apologize." Elemental turned to me, which I just realized I was tearing up. "You're not infected?" I shake my head because I don't feel like talking with an embarrassingly shaky voice. He sighs and comes up to me on the horse. "I'm sorry... also what's with the horse?" I can hear time facepalm, and by assuming how loud it was it hurt.

     Time tied up the horse just outside the portal and Elemental had to help me over to the couch. Time said it was punishment for being rude to me. But I kinda explained what happened at the kingdom. Because I'm not really sure what happened, and I don't want them to know about the resets yet.
     "Ok I get you apparently have your own powers now, but how does that tie into your body being super weak?" He's been like this all day. -_- "Elemental be nice! And it's probably because his body is trying to adjust and adapt to having all this power in it now. Right Sabre?" "Right..." I have no clue why this is happening.

     We've been talking for a while now and they've brought up the whole 'Why were we created?' and 'Why do we exist?' topic.... Should I tell them, mess with them, or say nothing? I'll just do the first two! ^u^
     "I know why you were made, and I know where you two came from as well." They both paused what they were saying and turned to look at me, I can basically see the gears turning in their heads. It's almost too funny— "WHAT?!" Ok, they're loud... wait... "You two just spoke out loud, well that makes sense considering your dad could." "WHAT?!" Ok this is going to take a bit of explaining....
     "Ok first off, calm down and quiet down and allow me to explain." They both got off the couch and are sitting in front of me on the floor. It's like two little kids settling down for story time, it's so sweet. They really are like kids, well that actually makes sense. They are only a few months old. "Ok so I first met Galaxy Steve, your father, in the void when he saved Rainbow, Light, and I. He saved us from Nightmare Steve when he was leading the darkness army. After another time we met him we went to the inbetween to go see if Indigo knew anything. Turns out he was the ultimate Indigo Steve. Thankfully he didn't go insane with power, he was just a little aloof and kooky. He worked with us to kill Nightmare Steve and to close and destroy the portal to the void. But after we did that something from the void had escaped and it killed him. Void had killed Galaxy, causing him to split in two. Which made you two. And as for the reason why this happened is because someone needed to continue out his job of looking over and protecting the dimensions."
     They're both just staring at me blankly... "Sabre, you broke them!" Oh you think I haven't realized that?!

     After they had finally snapped out of it they said they needed some time to think about everything I told them. But they let me stay the night, they set me up in a little area to sleep in. It was a little small but it's very comfortable. Goodnight Shadow, sweet dreams! "Ya ya Goodnight and sweet dreams to you too."

Eglaf ||| Rainbow Quest MultishotWhere stories live. Discover now