Hopes of a Happy Ending ||| Part 6

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Light POV-

It's already past noon, Sabre should be back by now. I know he can take care of himself and that pacing back-and-forth in front of the gate will do nothing. But I'm still worried, I mean I just got him back and I can't lose another person. Not again....

As I stare off in the distance I see, hold on, is that Storm? Upon realizing it, I ran up to him. "Hey SnowStorm, and hello to you too... Sabre?" I realize that Sabre is not on the saddle but instead. "A book? Why is there a book and where is Sabre?"

Snow just neighed in response. "Of course you can't talk, you're just a horse. Now I probably just sound like a crazy person. At least I'm the only one here right now. Here let me just...." I carefully remove the book that was tied to the saddle with a lead and I started to read it.

" I carefully remove the book that was tied to the saddle with a lead and I started to read it

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......... Ok first off, how does Sabre write that good? Like seriously that was not what I thought his handwriting would look like at all. I don't actually know what I was expecting it to look like, but it was not this. Why is it better than mine?

Second, does he not know that he destroyed the Great Library with the Great Library in it? Should I go and check up on him? I could probably reach the Library before him, I can teleport after all.... No! No! NO! Sabre is a grown adult and can handle himself... I think....

Hold on, how old is Sabre? Like I know he can't be under, like, sixteen years old? And there's no way he's older than thirty. So I'm guessing somewhere between sixteen and thirty, I think....

I'm just going to go back to my office and do, something? I just realized I probably look incredibly stupid just standing out here, I really can't let other people see just how weak I am. "Come on Storm, let's take you back to your stables so I can go to my office."

Omnipotent POV-

Two guards who took their posts at the top of the gate just after Light went down to get his horse. The first Colorless Guard turns their attention to the second one.

"He needs a break. A very long and relaxing break." The second made a short and almost equally concerned comment. "And a raise probably."

Rainbow and Red's POV from the World Beyond watching Light and heard the two guards talking-

"And therapy...." Red said, watching his friend and the two guards. Sitting down and drinking coffee. Rain comes and sits next to him, with hot chocolate instead.

Rain stares at Light and remembers what it feels like to be in that situation. Very slowly taking a sip from his coco. "Lots and lots of therapy...."

That earned a chuckle from Red who switched to watching over Sabre. Rain notices and goes back to paying attention to their friend.

They now watch over him like he watched over them. Because who saves the one who saves all? Maybe one day a hand will reach out to him like he reached out to others.

Or he'll finally realize that there has always been a hand to hold. That all he needed to do was reach out, ask for help, and hold on tight. That asking for help is the greatest answer and the greatest power.

Rain head fills with thoughts, if he had only reached out. Red wraps his free hand around Rain, giving comfort for the thoughts he is all too familiar with. Because he wonders if he had reached out earlier, would he have lived? If he had the red crystal would he be able to be there for Rainbow and comfort him? Would he be able to prevent his death?

But now is not the time for those thoughts. Right now it's time to relax with his friend and watch over the others. Though he and Rain wonder what the strange voices they hear coming from the sky while watching their friends sometimes are. Or where they come from... are these the things Sabre used to talking to?

Sabre's POV-

Huh... it's literally the same time as I went in and I know I was in there for at least an hour... oh well I'm not dead so I'm sure it's nothing. But still.... I wonder what the Library will look like.

If I'm remembering correctly then it's been destroyed. But maybe it isn't... maybe I can just fix it.... You can only tell with time. Because even if time can't mend old scars, it can heal new wounds.

I can see the ruins in the distance. "Looks like we're here, let's do this...." I start to feel just increasingly nervous and a little nervous. I know I wasn't really in control but I can't just blame Shadow for all of this, it feels wrong and unfair to him.

I feel like something is hugging me and I see as faint shadows wrap around me as Shadow reaches out from whatever realm he is in and hugs me. And Cyrus emits a feeling of calmness and comfort throughout my whole body and heart.

I take deep breaths in and out, managing to calm myself well enough. "Thank you both so, so much." I turn my attention back to the Library. The severity of the damage done is more obvious, the once beautiful glory now in a horrid disrepair.

"I can do this...." I feel as the two forces from my two friends wrap even tighter around me. "Pff- fine, we, can do this."


     I decided to post this earlier than 2 PM tomorrow. Hope you're happy and excited for the next chapter. I'll start posting at least once a week.

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