Explanation ||| Part 3

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Explanation - Foreign Flower

     In this AU Sabre is a Floran (More or less a flower person) like from the origins mod. Though he needs the same stuff a normal player needs he can replace them with doing things plants do. Like drinking a ton of water, sun bathing whenever he finds a 'good' place to sleep, or just laying in the ground (yes I do mean in the ground).

     He never outright told anyone he was a Floran aside from Rain, Red, Gerald, and Light. He just hinted towards it, he says he likes being mysterious, he really just has a little bit of social anxiety.

     Here is the little bit of writing I've done for this AU so far.


     "Hey Sabre?" When did Orange get here? "Mh, ya what is it?" I can feel Gerald watching me two now. "What are you doing up there buddy...?"

     I shift my body so I can see him from laying on top of the statue. "I don't know, it's just really comfy. Can I get back to sunbathing now?"

     "No, and only because I think you'll fall, Gerald you agree with me right?" I watch as Gerald nods before flipping back over and curling upon the center of the statue's head.

     I can hear as Orange starts to build something. First thing I realize is that Orange has made a ladder on the back of the statue. Orange picks me up bridal style and moves me someplace else. That is when I noticed that Orange had built me a safe and even more comfortable sunbathing area.

     Orange had never put me down though, instead he had laid down with me. And shortly after we settled Gerald came and joined up.

     Now I'm just sunbathing with my two closest friends and favorite people in this whole world. I close my eyes and peacefully fall asleep.


     All the Leaders and Light sit in their thrones, unsure what to say first. Light speaks up to break the awkward silence. "Ok so I'm not really sure what to do for this topic... so we're just going to each take a turn telling one little 'oddity' you've noticed. We'll start with Orange Leader and then go through to Violet Leader, and then I'll go."

     Everyone took the silence as an agreement so Orange Leader started sharing an oddity he noticed with their dear friend. "Ok, just a few weeks ago I went to one of our trade villages to oversee a project, and brought some Steves who volunteered to help. They had found a mini valley in between the mountains their village is on top of. And they were making it into a beautiful paradise of nature and flora.

     I decided to take Sabre along with me because I know he loves nature.  Everything went perfectly and we finished half way through the second day. I had gathered everyone and was about to teleport back when I noticed Sabre wasn't with us, so we started to search. After an hour and thinking that we've checked everywhere twice we realized that we hadn't checked the newly built gardens.

     So sure enough We checked the gardens and found Sabre sound asleep half buried in the ground. Don't know how he got like that but he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon. So I pulled him out of the ground and put him on the back of my horse and left. I still don't know how his clothes didn't get dirty and stayed a pristine white...."

     Everyone sat in confused silence, until Yellow spoke up for his turn. "Recently some of my people had a little race, I was invited to join for the fun of it. And when Sabre found out the race was going from one side of the forest and out the other he asked if he could join.

     They let him join so they could make fun of him when he lost. I wanted to tell Sabre but he was so happy and excited so I didn't. When time came around for the race everyone lined up at the starting line. I was right next to Sabre, and when the horn went off and the race started I didn't see Sabre at all.

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