Love Bug Rewrite! | Prologue Part 2

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I am so sorry, I meant to post this sooner but I kept forgetting with all the family events that has been happening this past week or so. So enjoy this next part, and I am already working on the next part and hope to finish it soon. Enjoy!

And who figured out what the metal clanking against the floor from last chapter was?


     ".... Went successfully...." ".... Good.... How long until estimated wake up?...." ".... Unknown...."

     Huh...? Who's voices are these? Where am I and why am I still so tired..? ".... Waking...." Wha- ".... Hear me?...." Do I have to get up yet?

     I try to open my eyes but my eyelids are too heavy. And when I finally do I'm blinded by bright lights, making my preexisting migraine even worse. I only managed to get out a pained groan.

     But then I feel what feels like a cold hand reach over and cover my eyes. ".... It's ok.... Sleep...." The voice sounds familiar, but at the same time calmer than I remember somehow. Who is it?

     But I can't help but to listen to the voice as another, person?, comes over and puts a needle in my arm. Their hands feel like metal. And I feel myself being dragged back into a dreamless slumber....


     Assistant Steve finishes putting Sabre in a smaller medical room with only one dim light on in the very corner opposite to where Sabre is laying. Assistant isn't exactly sure what happened or how it happened, but neither did the Professor.

     He got the blood samples, as well as the other DNA samples needed and brought them back to the laboratory where the Professor was just staring off into the distance. All before snapping his attention back over to the Professor.

     "How exactly is he?" The Professor asks Assistant Steve. "His vitals are perfect but I put him on an Iv with a painkiller in it as you instructed."

     Assistant helps the Professor put away the samples for now, only taking one vial of blood to start with. Professor with the help of Assistant starts running tests on the vial of blood in uncomfortable silence until Assistant speaks up.

     ".... How did he do it? How did he reverse time? What exactly did he do... what is he?" Without even looking up responds in a bland but almost concerned tone. "I don't know, but by Origin am I going to figure it out."

     A beep can be heard from the other room and Assistant turns back to Professor. "He is going to wake up soon, should I go wait for him to awake while you continue to run tests?"

     The Red Professor removes his lab coat and puts it on the back of his chair. And pushes googles off of his forehead and onto the top of his head. "No, no... I'll go do it. Assistant continue to run the test please."

     "Will do...." Assistant replies to which Professor responds with; "Thank you Assistant." To which the Assistant continues the test while the Red Professor goes into the room Assistant has moved Sabre into and pulled a chair up to his bedside while he waits for Sabre to wake.


     The Leaders all start having not so discreet secret meetings after waking up in a cold sweat from some horrendous nightmare that they can't remember.

     Even Time and Elemental joined them after having the exact thing happen to them. After a short bit a quiet a few Steves have collected in the meeting room in the citadel.

     To which everyone is talking trying to remember the nightmare or get a clue as to what happened. When Light runs up the stairs and bursts into the citadel. "SABRES BEEN KIDNAPPED!" To which earned an equally panicked, if not more so, response from everyone else. "WHAT?!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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